Alan Kay Talk at 40th Anniversary of Mother of All Demos (2008)
From Viewpoints Intelligent Archive
introduction he's widely known as the inventor of the small talk
so our last speaker today is Alan
who's president of viewpoints Research Institute he
really needs no introduction he's widely known as the
inventor of the small talk programming language among many
other things like Doug he was inspired to persuade
computers to become our assistance and intelligent tasks
especially teaching and learning his Holy
Grail was the dynabook a portable personal computer nestled
in the lap of a young student in a park who is casually
pursuing her own Learning Path Alan
has 30 minutes Alan
they asked me to speak last and
with a lineup of people
that were on the program I figure it would be suicide
to try and prepare a talk ahead of time
because why I
figured with great luck all
the points I would have talked about will they have been covered
already and so the very
first thing I wrote in my notebook here
was thank you all for coming
but the idea
was to perhaps look at
a couple of things from a slightly different angle and
a little bit about the significance of
this marvelous work we're celebrating
today and these marvelous people
who did it I like to
think of things
in terms of threes and we
are very rightly celebrating Doug Engelbart but
it was fantastic to have Bob Taylor
here who is the funder and
if you think about the rewards and awards
people get later in life doug has
gotten all the ones you can get but
there's nothing like a funder because a funder
is giving you that gold medal ahead of time on
and moreover they
know that two-thirds of those gold
medals if they're lucky are going to turn to lead before
the end of the work and so
it's the faith of the second group of people
who bob was
characteristically subtle
about expressing his
opinion about how funding is today I
remember him once I
guess 15 or 20 years ago giving
a talk about
the 60s in the in the 70s
and somebody in the audience accused him of being an
old fogey again because old fogies
always are referring back to a golden
age and today is never as good as
it wasn't Taylor thought for a few minutes and he
looked up and he said damn it it was a golden
thorough I
have a hard time pronouncing it the way you're supposed
to be out in the world because I come from Massachusetts
and Thoreau was pronounced thorough there
so my my tongue is wagging
back and forth here's an interesting guy and
very late in his life
in 1865
when the first transatlantic cable
went in between our country and England
he was asked what he thought of it and
he said he was afraid he would find
out that a European princess had just gotten a
nd I
believe that is the one of the earliest
examples of completely nailing
the two sides of
Technology here's one of the most difficult feats they
fail this of course could be used
for expressing really important
information back and forth but throw understood
exactly who human beings are and
what they're likely to do with any good
idea another
great line of his Express a little earlier was
that we become the tools of our tools and
McLuhan used this idea many
years later when he said we first
shaped tools and then they turn around and reshape us
and all
of these ideas are basically double-edged swords
so that every technology
is usually done to amplify something in
every amplifier we make and also act as a
prosthetic if you put a prosthetic on
a healthy limb it starts to wither and so
there's this interesting problem of when
I make something that is supposed to augment
us how can I help people avoid
using it to replace something
that we already have and we wind up with less I believe
this is the fundamental problem of the
20th century and especially of our age
now one of ways I think
of it is that when ever
a new idea an idea comes along
there's news and there's new
so news is
stuff that's incremental on what we already know
news can be told in just a couple
of minutes it's the kind of thing that people are always
exchanging with each other and they often mistake
news for ideas but
in fact news is so simple that it
leverages almost everything we know and it's just pushing things
one way or another and so when Gutenberg
did his Bible
was treated enthusiastically as
news and in fact
they made the bible's to look as much like handwritten
manuscripts as possible i'm sure many people
here have seen a Gutenberg Bible but they were illuminated
by hand after they were printed
and the fonts the Gutenberg used
were had
I think 100 250 three separate characters
because every ligature every
abbreviation that people are used
to reading from them from the scribes Gutenberg
copied and used
the best ink in the best paper and
of these Gutenberg Bibles look like they were printed yesterday
and they were treated as a
really great idea and also
unremarkable and so in fact
the Catholic Church which was
in power at that time thought
the printing press was a good idea also
also when an idea comes along if the
idea is a good one there's also new and
new is something
that doesn't isn't explainable in what
you already know and so it's
something that people very often
find a way of
ignoring in favor of the news part of
things what was knew about the printing press we saw in
the 17th century when our entire
conception of thought changed
with the invention of science and our entire
conception of government changed
with the invention of representative democracies
of various kinds and this is the
two paired together or not and what not an accident
a favorite
phrase of mine from Tom Paine's Common Sense
which is written in
January 1776 and
before the
Declaration of Independence was pinned
and put out in July in
those six months or so somewhere
hundred thousand and nine hundred thousand
copies of common sense were printed and distributed
throughout the thirteen colonies and
to give you an idea of the scale of that there
are 1.5 million people in the 13
colonies at that side so you can imagine the
medium that you could have today that could have that level
of coverage for an idea would be the internet
today if you could get a significant
number of people to read one thing on
the internet and in that
argument that pain
wrote there's a important
line that's relevant to today where pain
was basically the title of it
was a joke because he was actually
expressing something it wasn't kind was common sense to
have a king and this pamphlet was an argument
against the monarchy and in the middle of it he says
well instead of
having the king be the law why we
can have the law be the king in other words we can
invent a new way of governing ourselves and
organizing ourselves and we can write this into law and
that is how we can invert everything
that people thought to be true if we have the courage to
do it and as McLuhan
pointed out you can argue with a lot about a lot of things with
stained glass windows but democracy is not one
of them so the point here is that
democracy and what it actually meant
particularly in our country was not possible
without a new medium of expression
for arguing in a very special way the
old oral ways and the old pictorial ways
were not sufficient and
so one of the
dilemmas I think we've had in the 20th century is
the electronic technologies
even the ones that are not programmable
have this double edged sword this amplifier
and prosthetic aspect and I think many people
in this crowd will have noticed how many of
the new communications technologies of the last
hundred years or so have actually been used by
people as a way of getting back into the oral modes
of thought that would be completely familiar to
cave people a hundred thousand years ago and
in fact many of the games we make electronically
we would be completely familiar to cave people
a hundred thousand years ago so
these electronic devices are
being used partially as prosthetics as a way of avoiding
the modes of thought associated with reading
so one of the ways we can think about is when something that
can imitate anything comes along like
a computer that well
we could use it to go back to oral modes of thought
we could use it to imitate the
technologies that we're familiar with like printing
and movies and recordings or
we could do something almost unthinkable which
is to try and ask the same question that people a
few people started asking the printing press which is let's
not worry about the news about computers we
understand the news about computers they can be programmed to do things
they can be programmed to imitate things what's new
about computers and I think the significance of
Doug Engelbart's work is that he
is one of the very few people very
very early on who are able to understand
that as Taylor pointed
out that computers could
do a lot of things that were quite familiar
but there was something new about computers that
allow us to think in a very different way and likely
in a stronger way than the printing press brought us
and I believe the significance of
this demo that we're celebrating I was sitting
right over there right where that blonde headed
woman was shivering like mad because I had
104 temperature doing this but I was determined
to see this demo that
the significance of the demo was that it actually
took something that was merely
an opinion and opinions are cheap
and easy and even good ideas are cheap and easy
but because of the third component
between visionary and funder we
also had Bill English and his team of
doers who are able to
take this set of ideas and reify
it into something that was much much more
understandable to everybody who's sitting there experiencing
it we could actually see that
ideas can be organized in a different
way they could be filtered in a different way that what we were
looking at was not something that was trying to imitate printing
and what we were hearing about was not
something that was trying to automate
current modes of thought but there was
a strong set of ideas as christina
has just talked about that
we should be able to improve our process and there
is should be an amplification
relationship between us and this new technology
rather than one that is a prosthetic
and a sapping one so i think i
think the the jury is still out
on whether in how long
it's going to take for people to understand
this when i got
interested in this and in
no small part from from seeing doug
Engelbart's nls system and from seeing
ivan sutherland sketch pad system in
from reading McLuhan my thought
was well thank goodness we understand
how the printing press transformed human thought
and will never wait a hundred and fifty
years again and
in fact so
that was my thought back then of course I was just a 28
year old graduate student with stars
in his eyes about what this stuff
could actually actually mean but
in fact I believe news particularly
for Americans is incredibly powerful compared
to new I think
of the strong
nations in the world we are possibly the least well educated
and because we're the lease well-educated we
lack the perspective even of understanding
what the printing press did do and even
understanding how our country
was set up because of this and how we were
able to argue ourself into
a better state of living so I think this
is the this is the key and I think
that the the questions about
voting machines which I think
are important questions but I believe
that they are much less interesting than the humans
who come to the machines and that
democracy cannot survive without taking
much more heed of all the
stuff besides the mouse that Doug Engelbart understood
we should work on and
the thing that's interesting about
this is that no invented system
of thought has been more successful in
science it's probably
the greatest single invention of the human race and the
invention as we know it in its most effective
form is only about four hundred years old and
interesting to me about science is
how poorly it's taught in
most countries in the world especially ours
and what this means is that this
most successful thing that
has changed our lives tremendously not
because it was able to hook up with engineering
in a powerful way but it changed our way of looking
at things are very pissed
Emma logical stances that we took towards knowledge
in spite of all this success
it's actually a backwater for the
vast majority of people and this is dangerous
in a democracy where majorities count so
if you think about where we're actually going
we are actually in this very
dangerous area now where
the power of our tools
has completely outstripped the
pace at which education can absorb the ideas
and to teach in the mass so
we haven't probably the widest
sparus thinnest
distribution of understanding of the various powers
that have been created over the last several
hundred years or certainly
the ratio between power and understanding i think
is at its worst right now this shouldn't
be because of course we have the internet
and there's
a least a billion nodes on the internet and everybody
has personal computers that was the dream of ARPA
ARPA didn't care whether it was done
on a time-sharing system in a cloud or
on networked computers the whole idea
somehow it had to be connected and somehow everybody had
to have their own personal access
to this stuff whenever they wanted and
yet the commercial
explosion of what
bunch of very good inventions that were done in the 60s
and 70s has completely trumped
almost all of the powerful ideas
that that fostered these inventions back
in the 60s and 70s and
when i get called on to give a talk i
spent a fair amount of my time in the beginning
of the talk explaining what Doug Engelbart
and his group we're trying to do because the ideas
are not only
as good as they were back then in many ways they're better now
than they were back then because now
e don't have to worry about naysayers about whether you can do the technology
or not now it is clear what the problem
is and the problem is us that we
actually have gotten interested in whether the European princess
is going to get a new hat and
we put that kind of interest on every
invented in the 20th and
now the 21st century so
if we want to make these
ideas as significant as
I think they are we have to do
much more than celebrate a 40th
anniversary we actually have to
be much more proactive and I
believe that
the one of the biggest problems
in this area even more generally than what computers
are all about is if you go to almost any
elementary school anywhere in the country the
chances that you'll find an adult mathematician
scientist or computer scientist in
there helping a teacher help the kids understand
something that the teachers don't understand and the kids need
to the chances of that are vanishingly small
so the hell of it is
that though we have resources
in our professions
somehow we find a way of not going into the schools
and then we complain the hell out of what the schools are actually
doing and yet if you think about the lag of
doing official training the only way we can
possibly make a difference is by taking our knowledge
into the schools now we cannot
wait for the education system to try
and figure out what it was that we were doing 20 years ago we
have to go in and volunteer to help and I
don't believe that any
officially sanctioned
large-scale attempt at reforming at American
education which has been tried any number of times
in my life time since Sputnik
all of those have failed miserably because
in the end it has
treated more like a dirty task in the end and the
scientists and mathematicians and computer scientists
tay out of the classrooms and somehow expect the teachers
to learn things are almost impossible to
learn in the position that they're in
the last idea
here is
kind of an idea from McLuhan
but it's also something that we can notice about ourselves if
we go to a foreign country and stay for more than a
week and that is that after
about a week we actually find ourselves acting
like we live in this country because we're
fitting into the rhythms and our brains are naturally set up
to normalize to any environment if
you think about what normalizing to an environment actually is
it is
somewhat like learning to
drive a car when you start off driving a
car the there's
a lot of stuff going on and it's very chaotic and what
gear you in and how fast you're going where's the stop sign and
what's your parents saying to you and where's the kid
ball on the road it's all completely chaotic and
six or eight weeks later
there are little experts inside of our head they're automatically
paying attention to these and that's good that's
what happens when we normalize we
normalize to the things that are expected in the environment by
building little experts but the other
edge of the sword is that normalization
disappears what we just became in
order to get skilled and
McLuhan pointed out it doesn't matter really what you
print in a book what matters is whether
you have become a reader or not because that
has changed your whole approach to how
you're getting information doesn't really matter that much what is put
on television in the first
matters is that you're watching it at all if
you're watching it enough for it to become an environment
then it's what's on television that starts creating
what's normal for you it's a scary
thought if you think about it that way and you should and
on the positive vein if you create
an nls and get
at it and that was part of the idea in this system wasn't a
system for beginners there's a system for experts people
were going to spend hours at a computer now some
people poo-pooed dug
in his group because they said well nobody's going to spend hours sitting
in front of it a screen
but they knew differently
they knew if you're going to spend hours sitting in
the front in front of a screen you might as well get expert at it you
noticed that their systems response time is just a little
bit faster than you're used to today
a picture on your screen just this size is 192
k which is exactly the
size of the memory on the
sts 9 40 and it
was about a half MIT computer
so you can multiply that out by
factors of millions and so
fact it doesn't matter because a bad design is a bad
design and if you run a sufficiently bad design
sufficiently fast computer it's still going to be bad and slow
that's what we've got
so the flip side of this is if you get
expert in something that is good this is the
whole aim and significance of
the augmentation of human
intellect Center that
then that normalization is going to turn you
into a different kind of thinker than you were before
going to turn you into a different kind of thinker than
people were in the 18th century and that's it will
different kind of thinker than people were in the middle ages and
different kind of thinker than they were 100,000 years
ago that's the whole idea that in order for these
huge reforms in our
process of getting at the world
we have to get fluent in them and so no
f not getting fluent in science is going to help you
because it is actually a way of thinking
and so all of these things have to get beyond
the air guitar stage or guitar hero
stage in our culture and get into something
that is much more like expert playing of a musical
instrument and that is what nls felt to me
when I first learned how
to use it that here was the
phrase I made up was the computers and
is an instrument whose music is ideas this
is the first embodiment of of
what this incredible
new idea became
and I I never thought
that I would actually live to this age and not
see these ideas adopted and
now I can see maybe another hundred
years might be required in and
here's the interesting thing it could be
because of the computers ability to
imitate television and things
like television that it could be
that the current media miliar
that we have today could successfully
hold off all competitors that have to do with deep
ideas we could have made
the pop most powerful medium ever for
distracting ourselves to death and
the shame of it
is that people understood all of this while this was going on
and even a bunch of us who are doing it understood
while it was going on yet the general knowledge of this was
not present in the environment when it burst on the scene
last idea I think this is the
real tribute to today is reality is kind
of a low-pass filter
so the average good idea gets
low pass down into a dial tone
and as forgotten
but we haven't forgotten nls
after 40 years we haven't forgotten it
and it's as vivid to us today
as it was when we first saw we
forgotten the ideas behind it and perhaps
the real significance of nls is that
it put an idea into the world
that is a difficult one but it put it into the world
so well that it's an idea none of us can
forget and every one of us after
this meeting will go out and try to get other people
to understand that idea thank