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<subtitle id="0:0:5">and with that it is my honor to  introduce you Ellen can work you know</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:0:14">okay</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:0:17"> this is just a little preliminary  warning here</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:0:20"> because</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:0:23"> the the internet  has done in supported</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:0:26"> criticism  it's</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:0:29"> like Gresham's law bad money drives  out</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:0:32"> the good and there's so much  unsupported</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:0:35"> criticism that good</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:0:38">  criticism criticism that supported is</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:0:41">  often claimed to be a rant</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:0:44"> but this is  not a rant</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:0:47"> however it will be critical</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:0:53">so my first exhibit</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:0:56"> here is a kind</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:0:59"> of  American dream so it</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:1:2"> is the trappings of  riding</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:1:5"> the bicycle as it's</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:1:8"> very fancy  it has training wheels</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:1:11"> the buyer of</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:1:14"> this  device would be a parent probably</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:1:17"> and  most important</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:1:20"> thing about it is it's  like frets</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:1:23"> on a violin it happens the  training</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:1:26"> wheels actually don't help you  to learn to</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:1:29"> ride a bike in fact they  help you towards the opposite</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:1:32"> the number  one skill you have to learn when</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:1:35"> you're  riding a bike is to balance and turn  into</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:1:38"> the turns and the training wheels  prevent you from doing</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:1:41"> that and so the</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:1:44">this</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:1:47"> is not a joke just when I was</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:1:50">looking for slides for this on the  internet I found amazingly</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:1:53"> that there  are a number of adult societies</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:1:56"> that  have bikes with</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:1:59"> training wheels like  this this is not a joke these people</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:2:2"> do  Turing they race everything</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:2:5"> else because  this is what they learned now of course  many</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:2:8"> children get off the training  wheels at</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:2:11"> some point  but significant</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:2:14"> numbers of adults don't</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:2:17">now the way you to write</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:2:20"> a bike and this  is relatively</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:2:23"> recent compared to the  training wheel phenomenon is</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:2:26"> you what  you want is to get the kids low bikes  they</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:2:29"> don't even have any pedals because  that's not the</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:2:32"> germane part if you want  low bytes so they</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:2:35"> don't fall over and  they can it's kind of like a scooter and  what</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:2:38"> you do is you learn to glide and to  turn</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:2:41"> into the thing that's how you learn  to ride a bike</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:2:44"> so these two exhibits</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:2:47"> are  very germane I think</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:2:50"> to what we're  talking about today so</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:2:53"> I think of this  side as marketing</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:2:56"> marketing is basically  dealing with</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:2:59"> what people want and that  is</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:3:2"> a large number like we want sugar we</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:3:5">  want fat we want fantasy football</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:3:8"> we  have many many</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:3:11"> wants and if you're  interested in it you</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:3:14"> might look at a  book called human universals by</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:3:17">grant Brown who's an anthropologist  who's identified</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:3:20"> about 300 things</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:3:23">  genetic things that</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:3:26"> we are born wanting  and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:3:29"> many of the consumer</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:3:32"> society  successes today are</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:3:35"> technological  amplifiers for those things</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:3:38"> now the</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:3:41">other group of people that are  interested in who people are</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:3:44">about we should be interested in who the  user is going</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:3:47"> to be our educators</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:3:50"> they  also study this is what we're supposed  to</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:3:53"> be doing here I want to try and  differentiate</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:3:56"> between the two and  education</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:3:59"> educators are interested in  what people need</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:4:2"> so this is requires  taking a moral stance</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:4:5"> and it's tricky  because</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:4:8"> of course we are all flawed  beings</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:4:11"> also and people who take moral  stance</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:4:14"> who are floral flawed beings  often wind</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:4:17"> up with something that  resembles a religion or a cult</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:4:20"> but still  what the educators</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:4:23">doing is essentially chain  rather</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:4:26"> than catering and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:4:29"></subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:4:32"> in many cases  people don't</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:4:35"> want what they need in</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:4:38"> fact  there's a whole field called behavioral</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:4:41">  economics came</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:4:44"> after Anthropology got  politicized</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:4:47"> we fortunately have this  branch of cognitive</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:4:50"> psychology called  behavioral economics that has</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:4:53"> been  looking at what people do not what</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:4:56"> they  say people as they are rather than</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:4:59"> as  they're supposed to be and so the</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:5:2">  interesting question it would be really  nice</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:5:5"> if we can get people to want what  they need and there</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:5:8"> are some actual ways  of doing that</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:5:11"> and I'll mention mention a  couple</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:5:14"> so this</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:5:17"> is mice I could not find  a picture of this</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:5:20"> proper British lady I  had supper</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:5:23"> with 30 years now in London</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:5:26">but Mary Poppins she was the Mary  Poppins type</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:5:29"> and we had a great  conversation and drifted</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:5:32"> into education  and at some point</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:5:35"> she said oh you  Americans</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:5:38"> have the best high school  education in the world and I</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:5:41"> said what  and she said</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:5:44"> what a pity you have to go  to college to get it</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:5:50">now graduate school</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:5:53"> so there</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:5:56"> are these  tests of reading the National</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:5:59"> Assessment  of Educational Progress they</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:6:2"> have a  dismal standard</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:6:5"> for what they call  proficient reading it's not</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:6:8"> what we  would call proficient but it's the main  one that</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:6:11"> has looked at that's mainly for  K through 12 but</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:6:14"> what school if you dig  around on</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:6:17"> their website you can find  that they've also looked</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:6:20"> at using the  same criteria at</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:6:23"> graduates graduates of  four-year colleges</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:6:26"> and universities and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:6:29">in 1992</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:6:32"></subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:6:35"> 42 percent of</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:6:38"> college graduates</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:6:41">  were proficient or better</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:6:44"> so less than  half</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:6:47"> in 2003 11 years later</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:6:50"> when they  did it was down to 31 percent</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:6:53"> so  colleges are not even guarding</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:6:56"> the  literacy so</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:6:59"> what this says to me that on  this average I mean this is</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:7:2"> one number  for 4,000 institutions</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:7:5"> but what it says  is that lump</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:7:8"> together colleges are  essentially selling</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:7:11"> degrees we kind of  know that but that's what</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:7:14">because the college is not actually  guarding</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:7:17"> what it means to be educated  that</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:7:20"> in some very important census they  are</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:7:23"> giving people degrees who cannot  possibly be educated</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:7:26"> so</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:7:29"> another little  preliminary idea</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:7:32"> here is because we're  we</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:7:35"> tend to use indo-european languages</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:7:38">  including the ones came</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:7:41"> out of India  those languages</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:7:44"> are very noun oriented</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:7:47">now and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:7:50"> there's mostly about things the  things don't</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:7:53"> interpenetrate and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:7:56"> so if we  think of ideas as matter</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:7:59"> they oppose  each other but we also could</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:8:2">ideas as being made  of radiation we</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:8:5"> got superposition now we  can shine as many lights in</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:8:8"> the same  spot as we want and we don't have to  resolve</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:8:11"> them we can look at the mixtures  of</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:8:14"> them and we can consider them  separately we don't</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:8:17"> have to make a  decision they're all occupying the</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:8:20">space and I'm offering this up as a  metaphor because</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:8:23"> even</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:8:26"> before Design  Thinking was a phrase the</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:8:29"> number one  thing about design is being able to hold</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:8:32">mutually incompatible things in your  head for a very</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:8:35"> very long time before  you make</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:8:38"> any commitments we</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:8:41"> tend to  commit early much too early</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:8:44"> so things  are processes nouns or</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:8:47"> verbs here's the  t-shirt for today</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:8:50"> this is silicon valley  so</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:8:53"> this would have been you know we  always make t-shirts so my</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:8:56"> design  t-shirt would show the superposition of</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:8:59">  ideas as radiation</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:9:2"> and can't</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:9:5"> do a talk  without a Winston Churchill story</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:9:8"> there  are so many good ones and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:9:11"> I'll avoid my  tendency to digress to</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:9:14"> tell you five of  them but</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:9:17"> the one that's good at this one  he was at a party there</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:9:20"> he is smoking  his cigar and the</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:9:23"> hostess who is a  duchess came over to</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:9:26"> him and said mr.  Churchill I'm so distressed</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:9:29"> I just saw  Earl so-and-so</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:9:32"> over there steal one of  my silver salt</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:9:35"> shakers and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:9:38"> Churchill  thought for a while and he went over</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:9:41">the Earl and on the way picked up  another salt shaker and put it in</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:9:44"> his  pocket and when he got over to the Earl  he took</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:9:47"> it out and he said I think we've  been noticed perhaps</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:9:50"> we should put these  back</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:9:53">  so this is how you if you</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:9:56"> want to get  something done the way you do it is not</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:9:59">so much trying to convince somebody but  to create</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:10:2"> a tribe that is a conspiracy  because</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:10:5"> anthropologically that is what</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:10:8">  we are more than any other thing we are  tribal</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:10:11"> beings and we tend to  automatically oppose</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:10:14"> things outside of  our tribe even</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:10:17"> if they're good ideas  because that isn't the way we think  in</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:10:20"> fact we don't think we're not  primarily</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:10:23"> thinking animals</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:10:26"> so this</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:10:29"> thing  about coding is</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:10:32"> often mentioned</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:10:35"> side by  side with jobs competitiveness</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:10:38"></subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:10:41"> diversity  it's</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:10:44"> got a million things going on with</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:10:47">  it but I thought I'd put</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:10:50"> up three other  things that I think need</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:10:53"> to be thought  about first and one of</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:10:56"> them is our I  think</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:10:59"> our primary duty as adults is not</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:11:2">  to go out and get a job but to</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:11:5"> think  about the next generation</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:11:8"> that's part of  the larger picture of thing a</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:11:11"> job is  just about us and now</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:11:14"> children are the  next</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:11:17"> generation and Marshall McLuhan  said</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:11:20"> children are the messages</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:11:23"> we send  to the future but my</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:11:26"> retort to McLuhan  was no</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:11:29"> they they are the future we're  sending to the future</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:11:32"> they're not a  message they are the future and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:11:35"> we've</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:11:38">  got another duty in a</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:11:41"> society that has  created so much wealth by</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:11:44"> a certain  complicated difficult kind</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:11:47"> of  cooperation the reason</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:11:50"> we're all here is  not because we're competitive reason</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:11:53">  we're here is because we live in a  larger</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:11:56"> structure in which competition  the</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:11:59"> hunting and gathering parts of us  that</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:12:2"> go back a couple hundred thousand  years are subsumed</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:12:5">  a larger set of cooperation that</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:12:8"> creates  all of the wealth hunting and gatherers</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:12:11">  need fertile valleys created</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:12:14"> by somebody  else nature they</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:12:17"> strip it dry that's the  impulse and move on sounds</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:12:20"> a little bit  like business doesn't</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:12:23"> even sound the  agricultural but</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:12:26"> in order to scale our  natural</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:12:29"> tendencies to exploit we have</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:12:32"> something very very different and  we</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:12:35"> are the beneficiaries of that</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:12:38"> so for  thinking about education my</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:12:41">don't</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:12:44"> even bother with this for a while  let's</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:12:47"> worry about what's really going on  and then</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:12:50"> there's this idea which is  almost</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:12:53"> never talked about in</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:12:56"> our  pragmatic society like ours</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:12:59"> which is I  just been calling</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:13:2"> richness it can happen</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:13:5">  in the context of work it</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:13:8">with children can happen with citizen  chip</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:13:11"> but it's basically something that  is the</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:13:14"> man does not live by bread alone  idea</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:13:17"> and I</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:13:20"> believe that this is</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:13:23"> a  rallying point to try and understand</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:13:26">what the rest of education is about  particularly</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:13:29"> as it relates</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:13:32"> to how we  should think about children</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:13:35"> in the next  generation</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:13:38"> ok so that was one I'm  basically</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:13:41"> doing five points here</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:13:44"> before</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:13:47">  I look at a look</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:13:50"> at them a little more  deeply I usually don't do that I don't  like top-down</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:13:53"> stuff but I figured for</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:13:56">  this talk it would be good so the first  thing had to</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:13:59"> do with you know what what  are some</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:14:2"> of the contexts that we care  about second context</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:14:5"> is humans 101</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:14:8"> so  one part of it is</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:14:11"> of course we're very  complex but</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:14:14"> our minds  are</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:14:17"> very theatrical the</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:14:20"> way we respond  to theater</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:14:23"> is also the way we respond</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:14:26">what we like to call reality which in  itself is a kind of</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:14:29"> theater and there  are a few people here who</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:14:32"> are there are  some neuro people here right I saw</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:14:35">  anybody yes</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:14:38"> so tell them all about it  this afternoon</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:14:41"> so these are  understanding</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:14:44"> more about what's going on</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:14:47">  here is really important so the the  theatrical</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:14:50"> thing another one is our</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:14:53">  minds are tiny here's George Miller one</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:14:56">of the inventors of cognitive psychology  and fact</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:14:59"> 7 plus or minus 2 has been  downgraded</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:15:2"> 7</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:15:5"> plus or minus 2 was dealing  with number sequences</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:15:8"> and stuff and this</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:15:11">has been looked at and a lot and the  truth is is that we're terrible</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:15:14"> at  multitasking and in fact it is</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:15:17"> very  difficult for us to sensibly deal with</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:15:20">  multiple things even if they have been</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:15:23">  chunked hugely so</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:15:26"> we can think of this  as like if you take these two</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:15:29"> ideas  together this is also user interface</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:15:32">  design 101 we</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:15:35"> have theatrical reactions  to things we</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:15:38"> need to create theater when  we're creating a user interface</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:15:41"> design  and we're completely limited and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:15:44"> so  playing those off against each other is  tremendously</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:15:47"> important we'll look at  this a little bit more and then</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:15:50"> a more  controversial idea is that we are mostly  not</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:15:53"> human this is</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:15:56"> something that is  outside of the myth that human</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:15:59"> beings  like to believe in but in fact we</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:16:2"> a lot  of us is primate and a</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:16:5"> whole lot of us  is mammalian and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:16:8"> how that plays out  against</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:16:11"> some of the more recent  additions</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:16:14"> to our mental apparatus  particularly our culture are</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:16:17"> interesting  so these three things are things that  are worthwhile</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:16:20"> holding in mind by the  way these are things that computer</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:16:23">  people just hate to think about most  computer</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:16:26"> people went into computing  because they were disturb</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:16:29">  by other human beings</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:16:32"> and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:16:35"> one of the  reasons that coding</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:16:38"> programming has  stayed so much</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:16:41"> the way it is terrible  set of ideas that</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:16:44"> were almost necessary  in the 40s</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:16:47"> and 50s are still around  today as</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:16:50"> the primary ways of doing  programming</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:16:53"> because they are the most  mechanical ways</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:16:56"> that in the small they  are the most understandable</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:16:59">reliable the problem is in the large  they don't scale</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:17:2"> at all in the large  they are the least</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:17:5"> reliable way of doing  anything and it's only</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:17:8"> by looking at  tiny little places that people have any</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:17:11">  comfort at all and so they stay with  where they're</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:17:14"> comfortable this is so</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:17:17"> the  theatrical part of this is lots bigger</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:17:20">  than we think the limitations are much</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:17:23">  less or smaller than we think and the</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:17:26">  relationship we have with our</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:17:29"> heritage  is much we</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:17:32"> are much more different than  we think we are</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:17:35"> okay now the third idea  here would</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:17:38"> go back to the first Turing  Award winner</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:17:41"> this little gnome of a man  was one of the great</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:17:44"> men of our time  Alper Lowe's and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:17:47"> he more or less created  computer</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:17:50"> science and I thought since the</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:17:53">  CS term is bandied about a lot it might  be interesting</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:17:56"> to see what the guy who  invented the term actually meant by</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:17:59"> it  so he said this in</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:18:2"> the early 60s and  somebody said</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:18:5"> what does that mean and he  said computer science</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:18:8"> is the science of  processes I remember</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:18:11"> science  he didn't mean science as in library  science</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:18:14"> he didn't mean sciences and  social science he</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:18:17"> actually meant science  he didn't mean it as a metaphor</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:18:20"> he meant  we need to have a science of things</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:18:23"> in  process and there are a gazillion of</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:18:26">  them that is what he meant he didn't</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:18:29">have an engineering definition that's  something</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:18:32"> else he said we need to  understand</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:18:35"> things in process and he</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:18:38">meant all processes meant mechanical  processes</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:18:41">  technological processes there's the</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:18:44">  Constitution social processes</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:18:47"> the guys  who did the Constitution</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:18:50"> were social</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:18:53">  geniuses they actually put</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:18:56"> together a  system better than any computer system  we've</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:18:59"> ever done because it has millions</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:19:2">  and millions of not terribly cooperating  parts</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:19:5"> and it is basically thrived with</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:19:8">  some hiccups along the way for hundreds  of</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:19:11"> years think about that and the cops</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:19:14">  Constitution I have a version of it with</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:19:17">me is just a tiny little book it's a  meta</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:19:20"> recipe for a</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:19:23"> very complicated multi  processing operating</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:19:26"> system far far  beyond anything we've been able to</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:19:29"> do  and of</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:19:32"> course biology and of course  mental</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:19:35"> processes all of these processes  were things</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:19:38"> and the other thing that  pearl Ellis said is</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:19:41"> besides</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:19:44"> looking at  all processes it itself because of</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:19:47"> what  it is can serve as a representation a</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:19:50">  kind of a mathematics for all processes  so this</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:19:53"> is a big idea this is an  exciting idea</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:19:56"> it excited me it's</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:19:59"> like  one of the greatest things I hate to see  computing</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:20:2"> and computer science water  down to some</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:20:5"> terrible kind of  engineering that the Babylonians</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:20:8"> might  have failed at with</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:20:11"> tiny conceptions of  programming a computer</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:20:14"> like munging  variables with an</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:20:17"> assignment statement  that is pathetic and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:20:20"> I'm saying it in  this strong way because</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:20:23"> you need to  realize that we're in the middle of</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:20:26"> a  complete form</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:20:29"> of bullshit that has grown  up out of</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:20:32"> the pop culture colliding with</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:20:35">  this power this power and wealth</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:20:38"> in  order to serve education which</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:20:41"> i think  is much more still should be about</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:20:44">people need rather than what they want  education can't</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:20:47"> cave in to what the pop  culture</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:20:50"> does it has to think about  itself</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:20:53"> as being about the  culture that developed</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:20:56"> culture shouldn't  get rid of the pop culture cop</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:20:59"> pop  culture has incredible energy</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:21:2"> any  developed culture needs that energy</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:21:5"> but  it cannot give in to that energy there</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:21:8">  has to be a reasonable tension there</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:21:11"> so  that was number three number four is</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:21:14"> boy  if you look at other fields like</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:21:17">  mechanical CAD or electrical cat or  biocad</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:21:20"> now they have all these great</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:21:23">  toys they happen to be all</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:21:26"> implemented  on computers computer-aided design</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:21:29">  simulators and now</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:21:32"> fab you</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:21:35"> think it up  save mechanically whatever</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:21:38"> it is design  it</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:21:41"> simulate it now we can build it build</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:21:44">  a flute so the idea here is</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:21:47"> in every  place except computing is</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:21:50"> this notion of  people moving</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:21:53"> towards wanting to design  and wanting to ship</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:21:56"> the design it's</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:21:59"> in  computing that we are so far behind</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:22:2">  we're still more</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:22:5"> than 80 percent of the  undergraduates at</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:22:8"> UCLA a top 10 computer  science</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:22:11"> department use by terminal  emulators</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:22:14"> which itself was emulating  decks</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:22:17"> of punched cards doing</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:22:20"> the same  kind of compilation</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:22:23"> loading and linking  in</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:22:26"> say C++ that's</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:22:29"> their main language  there as was done</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:22:32"> 50 years ago this does  not</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:22:35"> scale and yet this is what computer  people are doing they</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:22:38"> don't have  anything like what more sensible</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:22:41">in these other fields are using  computers for so</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:22:44"> if you take these two  things together take perlis</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:22:47"> and this</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:22:50">  notion is a programming</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:22:53"> system yeah part  of it is the functionality part</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:22:56"> that's  what you see in most</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:22:59"> systems for let's  everybody code</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:23:2"> it's got a</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:23:5">  most of them got numbers</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:23:8"> maybe they got  a raise they got assignment</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:23:11"> statements  all the usual suspects</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:23:14"> there that's not  even close</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:23:17"> that is not what the put in  front of people</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:23:20"> what you need is</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:23:23"> an  environment an environment is it's about  systems</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:23:26"> it's a bit about design it's  about media programming</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:23:29"> language is a  user interface as</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:23:32"> much as it is any  other thing why have</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:23:35"> multiple ones  they're altering equivalent</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:23:38"> so what's  the difference well at one end it's</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:23:41"> some  of them run faster than others another</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:23:44">  part you might have to write</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:23:47">less code but another part is they  should be something</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:23:50"> that you think in  terms of and they're the</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:23:53"> idea of a user  interface and giving you</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:23:56"> ways of  thinking about things starts dominating</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:23:59">  okay last of the five ideas to</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:24:2"> get  started here is this notion of</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:24:5">  thresholds this is critical</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:24:8"> and I think  this is an interesting</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:24:11"> thing that in  science and engineering</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:24:14"> this is  something that is understood</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:24:17"> in a way  but it's rarely</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:24:20"> talked about and in most</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:24:23">educational situations it's not  understood</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:24:26"> and thus rarely talked about  and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:24:29"> it's this idea</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:24:32"> time</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:24:35"> progress wiggly  line</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:24:38"> see</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:24:41"> them in the paper all the time  could be reading</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:24:44"> scores yay</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:24:47"> ooh yay  boo</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:24:50"> yeah meaningless</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:24:53"> absolutely and  completely meaningless same with the</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:24:56">stock market no matter what happens in  the stock market there's</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:24:59"> some  rationalization for it even if it's just  looking</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:25:2"> at random noise</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:25:5"> think about what  thinking is thinking</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:25:8"> is not being  logical</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:25:11"> thinking is choosing</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:25:14">environment that you're going to think  in before</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:25:17"> you start rationalizing  so</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:25:20"> let's put a threshold in</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:25:23"> so my  threshold name is what is</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:25:26"> actually  needed and here we</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:25:29"> can see that this guy  and this</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:25:32"> guy are irrelevant this guy is  really</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:25:35"> relevant we got past the  threshold now we're</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:25:38">something before we were just  bullshitting around</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:25:41"> yay we don't care</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:25:44">  the fluctuations here are things</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:25:47">we're really interested in because we're  guiding</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:25:50"> this growth process now</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:25:53"> for most  things in</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:25:56"> human society we've got this</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:25:59">  the threshold is up here and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:26:2"> now none of  this actually means any this is</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:26:5"> like  reading take reading</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:26:8"> doesn't matter  where it's going up or down because</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:26:11"> it's  all below threshold the children aren't  really</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:26:14"> learning to read fluently enough  in so you're always getting a  qualitative</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:26:17"> gap you're basically in this  zone</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:26:20"> I call the pink zone doesn't</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:26:23"> matter  most</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:26:26"> people don't care about it and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:26:29"> the  idea of thresholds are actually fought</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:26:32">  because a threshold will reveal</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:26:35">  something is actually</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:26:38"> wrong now</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:26:41"> reforms  or impulses</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:26:44"> often happen down here  here's</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:26:47"> one</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:26:50"> huge amount of effort</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:26:53"> fizzle  yay wonk</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:26:56"> completely irrelevant</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:26:59"> and can  be in any area it</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:27:2"> could be an education  you see it all time how about the  moonshot</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:27:5"> hey we made it to the moon so</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:27:8">what we set back space travel more than  50 years</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:27:11"> why because the</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:27:14"> physics the  chemistry and the mathematics</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:27:17"> of space  travel are that it just</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:27:20">with chemical rocketry  it's</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:27:23"> about MV equals MV you're  exchanging momentum</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:27:26"> chemical processes  cannot</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:27:29"> get the velocity</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:27:32">  of the particles you're letting out to</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:27:35">  be high enough to actually give</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:27:38"> you  that's why the Saturn rocket is 45</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:27:41">stories literally have you ever seen one  up close  Kate</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:27:44"> calves Romy Canaveral Museum in  Florida don't</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:27:47"> miss it they have one  sideways so</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:27:50"> this is a forty five story  building hung sideways</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:27:53"> that is one and a  half football feels</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:27:56"> and it is all high  explosive</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:27:59"> except for the little end part  where there are three people</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:28:2"> if you want  a visual</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:28:5"> explanation of the physics of</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:28:8">  chemical rocketry no you cannot</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:28:11"> do space  travel that way and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:28:14"> this whole thing was</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:28:17">  a huge effort but it was aimed at the  wrong place</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:28:20"> so you actually set up a  bunch of</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:28:23"> technologies that now had to be  exploited further and you still</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:28:26">get anywhere and you still don't get  anywhere and now everybody's</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:28:29"> lost their  taste for it</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:28:32"> the web I'm not going</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:28:35"> to my  diatribe about the web but web browsers</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:28:38">everybody uses it every day it's like  one of the worst ideas</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:28:41"> ever ever</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:28:44"> it only  does a few things compared</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:28:47"> to what it  should be doing and this is hard</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:28:50">explain the people you heart it's hard  to find people who actually</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:28:53"> are willing  to criticize the whip but</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:28:56"> you know why  so well gee you can't it</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:28:59"> was done on a  machine that already had WYSIWYG editing</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:29:2">  after 20 years why doesn't it still have  wood why</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:29:5"> doesn't have WYSIWYG editing  well they're getting to it</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:29:8"> no he took a  couple of years to do</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:29:11"> WYSIWYG editing in  the first place so</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:29:14"> what we've got there  is the ultimate Esau's</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:29:17"> cup of soup if  you know that story from the Bible Esau</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:29:20">  came home from a hunt he was the big  hairy</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:29:23"> he-man brother the little brother  jacob</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:29:26"> was cooking some soup and he saw  said</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:29:29"> brother i'm hungry  can i have some soup and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:29:32"> jacob said yes  for your birthright and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:29:35"> he saw i said  okay</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:29:38"> that's humans 101 that</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:29:41"> is what  behavioral economics is all about</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:29:44">  we are willing to sell a lot</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:29:47"> for  momentary convenience so</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:29:50"> here are two  words better and perfect do</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:29:53"> we need to  really pay heat this is</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:29:56"> the more  dangerous one better and perfect are</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:29:59"> the  two enemies of what is actually needed  right</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:30:2"> perfect as</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:30:5"> I was talking to Mike  earlier</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:30:8"> I hope to get to this slide  because he did something that</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:30:11"> is really  cool I'm gonna show you the the</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:30:14">abstraction of it and I hope we get to  what it actually is</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:30:17"> no better</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:30:20"> disaster  this is where incremental</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:30:23"> progress comes  from we need qualitative</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:30:26"> progress so</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:30:29"> you  need to get there</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:30:32"> it's the lowest thing  that is</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:30:35"> above the threshold this is the</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:30:38">secret you know this is something they  don't teach you in design</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:30:41"> school but  it's something it's really important to</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:30:44">understand if you wanted if you want to  invent something</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:30:47"> that is gonna generate  say 30 trillion bucks</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:30:50"> like twenty four  of us</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:30:53"> at Xerox PARC this is how you do</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:30:56">  it you have to find this thing and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:30:59"> I  call this</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:31:2"> the McCready sweet spot Paul</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:31:5">MacCready was the guy who did  man-powered flight after 50</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:31:8"> years of  really good people failing at it he did</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:31:11">it in six months from the time he  decided to</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:31:14"> do it I will not use the time  to tell that</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:31:17"> story but maybe in the  question and answer because it's a great  story</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:31:20"> but this guy more</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:31:23"> than any other  person I ever knew and he</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:31:26"> wouldn't budge  until he found this so</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:31:29"> you can think of  this as the</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:31:32"> primary part of making  progress is</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:31:35"> problem finding problem fine  forget</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:31:38"> about problem solving you're  probably in the wrong context</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:31:41"> you're  already in a place</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:31:44"> where your sense of  problems is probably completely wrong</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:31:47">so like the premise of this whole  meeting is probably completely wrong</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:31:50">  start there probably completely</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:31:53"> but it's  good because you got the people here but</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:31:56">just start off with the idea it's  probably come  me wrong</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:31:59"> what is actually needed and  what is</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:32:2"> that and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:32:5"></subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:32:8"> here's something the  thunders hate</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:32:11"> like if this is Xerox PARC</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:32:14">  this was the</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:32:17"> ARPA community for 10 years</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:32:20">  Xerox PARC has held up as some</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:32:23">  miraculous Oasis and that that wasn't</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:32:26">  true at all we were just an outgrowth of  this</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:32:29"> much larger community that in fact</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:32:32">hought up most of the ideas the  philosophies and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:32:35"> we were just recent</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:32:38">  PhDs I was the oldest person there I was</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:32:41">  30 Butler Lampson was 27 the</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:32:44"> guy who was  set it up Bob Taylor was 38</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:32:47"> there was  all this money</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:32:50"> that went into inventing  computer</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:32:53"> graphics and artificial  intelligence and the programming</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:32:56">  language Lisp and just every</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:32:59"> kind of  thing there and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:33:2"> when we went to park  what we looked at is what is this</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:33:5"> for  this ARPA</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:33:8"> dream</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:33:11"> and once you get there</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:33:14">  you get a whole region now you can</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:33:17">operate it because it's not just getting  to a point</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:33:20"> you're actually getting to a  place with</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:33:23"> a different set of ideas and  all of</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:33:26"> a sudden you're definitely above  what is</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:33:29"> actually needed and for a while  you</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:33:32"> can actually make real progress not</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:33:35">  fake progress</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:33:38"> and basically you think of  as taking our normal</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:33:41"> pink brains and  adding a point</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:33:44"> of view an  epistemological stance a way</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:33:47"> of looking  at things that was different that makes</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:33:50">  our week mental</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:33:53"> operations much much  more powerful I mean my slogan</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:33:56"> for that  is point of view is worth 80 IQ points</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:33:59">  it's the number one thing that you want  to do</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:34:2"> because we're terrible at thinking  and weak context</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:34:5"> okay</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:34:8"> don't forget that  when you're thinking about things this  afternoon</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:34:11">  and we probably don't have any</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:34:14"> funders  in the room but I like to point out</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:34:17">hem that no invention has been more  practical than</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:34:20"> science I also</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:34:23">the business business is always saying  well we're in business to</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:34:26"> make money I  said no you aren't really you're only  trying</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:34:29"> to make millions and billions</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:34:32">cience has created trillions</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:34:35"> trillions  and trillions of dollars off</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:34:38"> almost no  investment</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:34:41"> get your head on straight  invest</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:34:44"> the right way ok</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:34:47"> so let's quickly  take</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:34:50"> a look at a couple of these clothes  here we take</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:34:53"> a look at these any  questions so far on this</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:34:56"> claim this is  not a rant because</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:34:59"> I'm happy to justify  anything that I've said</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:35:2"> but I'm because  this is an oral talk I'm</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:35:5"> short  circuiting and just making it as claims</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:35:8">  but I'm sure you'll trust what</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:35:11"> I'm  saying here so take</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:35:14"> these four areas  let's take a look</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:35:17"> at jobs</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:35:20"> coding for  jobs so I got</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:35:23"> my friend Vishal here and  I happened</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:35:26"> to know him very well I think  we've</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:35:29"> known each other for years right  so</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:35:32"> so I'm gonna put I'm gonna</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:35:35"> put  something into his mouth and let's see  what</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:35:38"> he says Vishal my</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:35:41"> my screen Vishal  says I don't want my</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:35:44"> folks cold the code  the old bad ways I want them</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:35:47"> to know how  to design and think is that reasonable</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:35:50">  100 percent right CEO of</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:35:53"> a company that  has a hundred and eighty thousand people  and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:35:56"> it depends on programming</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:35:59"> the  problem is teaching people</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:36:2"> to code in  the way most of this is being done it's  not</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:36:5"> going to get you there it's just  dicking around underneath</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:36:8"> the threshold  so for</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:36:11"> even going to worry about jobs  for three nanoseconds</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:36:14"> we need something  qualitatively different let's</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:36:17"> take a  look at next generation</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:36:20"> there's so many  things we could say here but one is</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:36:23"> we  have decided</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:36:26"> in our society we're going  to teach reading and writing to every  child regardless</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:36:29"> of whether they want to  or not right</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:36:32"> it is not their choice so  this</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:36:35"> violates Einstein who said love</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:36:38"> is  a better teacher than duty I</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:36:41"> happen to  agree with this idea</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:36:44"> because I think  it's the duty of</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:36:47"> this society to do  something about</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:36:50"> instilling the strongest  parts of</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:36:53"> the culture in the next  generation and so we're just taking</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:36:56"> that  even though in many ways it's going</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:36:59"> to  be problematic Thoreau has said without  books</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:37:2"> history is silent literature dumb  science</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:37:5"> crippled thought and speculation  at a standstill</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:37:8"> so</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:37:11"> we're just doing it</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:37:17">high school</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:37:20"> is way too late I don't even  know why you're bothering with it here</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:37:23">  period</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:37:26"> this does I</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:37:29"> mean it's okay if you  got spare time</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:37:32"> but if you're gonna take  a subject</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:37:35"> seriously like reading and  writing</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:37:38"> like thinking</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:37:41"> and whatever the</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:37:44">part that computing might have to play  and thinking</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:37:47"> in the future and I think  it's a big part I'm</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:37:50"> going to take it  serious forget about high school</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:37:53"> we're  talking about something that</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:37:56"> has to be  begin early</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:37:59"> and this</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:38:2"> has been a tough  sell because the way America</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:38:5"> looks at it  we have jobs problems and if we</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:38:8">them you know we can get  no</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:38:11"> that's disaster that's like  quarter-to-quarter</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:38:14"> thinking done on a  national scale it</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:38:17"> is just bad so</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:38:20"> we have  to think earlier now if</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:38:23"> you have good  thoughts for children</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:38:26"> an interesting  thing is that those are not</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:38:29"> pet for  tossing</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:38:32"> into high school as long as you  don't take them too seriously  like</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:38:35"> the user-interface that everybody  uses it today</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:38:38"> the GUI that was my  invention and I originally</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:38:41">for children and I designed it that way  because</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:38:44"> we had far more important things  that we wanted them to learn that</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:38:47">interface is not a good user interface  for adults</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:38:50"> but in fact it's the</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:38:53"> one that  adults wound up using because we</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:38:56"> made it  easier for children to learn same thing</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:38:59">the iPad the iPad is good for two year  olds and ninety two</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:39:2">in between  it's</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:39:5"> a terrible user interface and  hardly anybody knows it</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:39:8">  think about it and Apple finally  realized</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:39:11"> oh maybe we should put</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:39:14">ools in there like maybe a pencil maybe  a keyboard</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:39:17"> reminds me of a idea</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:39:20"> from the  60s they'll</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:39:23"> get there eventually okay</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:39:26"> so  the relationship</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:39:29"> here with what vishal  wants</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:39:32"> we have to take a bit of a long  view it's not I</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:39:35"> mean K through 12 is 13  years how long</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:39:38"> is how long does it take  to even get going how long does it take</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:39:41">  to deploy that's what</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:39:44"> we have to be  thinking about</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:39:47"> five years from now  today's</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:39:50"> kindergartners will be in fifth  grade and we know a lot about</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:39:53"> what to do  with fifth graders and we know a bit</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:39:56">  about what to do with younger children  the</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:39:59"> logistics are enormous for</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:40:2"> doing any  kind of deployment we'll</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:40:5"> talk about that  on a bit</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:40:8"> biggest barrier for children</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:40:11">  all the adults around them</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:40:14">this</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:40:17"> this happens to be a</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:40:20"> it's a  parliament in a country</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:40:23"> we regard as  eminently civilized</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:40:26"> this on this  particular day</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:40:29"> they lost it and it  wasn't the only time</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:40:32"> but that's not  that's</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:40:35"> just the symptom the</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:40:38"> problem is  because</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:40:41"> adults are trying to  recapitulate the children</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:40:44"> into  themselves if they aren't</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:40:47"> at the  tippy-top of the of</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:40:50"> the century that  they're living in they're recapitulating</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:40:53">  children into the past this is</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:40:56">the Montessori pointed out in her first  book she said</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:40:59"> the biggest problem  she</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:41:2"> said children are driven by nature  to</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:41:5"> learn the environment around them  they don't know where they're being born</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:41:8">into by the way she was the one of the  top three people</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:41:11"> in anthropology in in</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:41:14">  Italy</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:41:17"> at this</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:41:20"> urged today digress and  this is a good story  so</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:41:23"> Montessori undergraduate degree was  in</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:41:26"> engineering that's</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:41:29"> what she wanted to  get a PhD in they wouldn't let her</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:41:32"> this  is 19th century Italy and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:41:35"> so she put up  a fuss and finally</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:41:38"> the University of  Rome said they'd admit her for a medical</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:41:41">degree if she could pass this test they  were sure she couldn't</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:41:44"> pass but think  about Maria Montessori she was just much</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:41:47">  much smarter than any of us in this room  she</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:41:50"> was a first-class intellect she aced</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:41:53">this test and became the first woman  physician</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:41:56"> in Italy and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:41:59"> not having had a  calling for it she decided</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:42:2">medicine and it was through the slum  medicine that she</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:42:5"> saw the children she  started picking up ideas for them</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:42:8">eanwhile she was studying anthropology  and the</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:42:11"> number one principle she had is  children</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:42:14"> don't know what society they're  being born</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:42:17"> into and yet they learn it  therefore</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:42:20"> we need to set up the society  we</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:42:23"> want them to acclimate to and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:42:26"> if we  can't do it in home then we should you</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:42:29">make  Google embody the idea it's not a  question of</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:42:32"> telling the children about  the century</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:42:35">question of putting them in this entry  instead</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:42:38"> of living land this is an idea  that Seymour Papert use</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:42:41"> very strong in  his metaphor for math land</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:42:44"> want to go  learn French go to France want</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:42:47"> to go  learn math go to a math land except</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:42:50"> we  don't have a math land make what</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:42:53"> so</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:42:56">is a big idea and I think this is the  number one thing</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:42:59"> that should be thought  about if we're doing design this  afternoon</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:43:2"> is this idea of hey what</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:43:5">children were brought up in the future  there are some interesting</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:43:8"> efforts</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:43:11"> there  was an extended Montessori</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:43:14"> effort done  by the</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:43:17"> British between the two world</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:43:20">wars called the British infant school  system anybody here</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:43:23"> ever hear of that  yeah so</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:43:26"> this is so basically the  reasoning there was we created</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:43:29"> the  stewards of the British Empire</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:43:32"> in the  boarding schools Eton</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:43:35"> and Harrow we took  the children away from this plate</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:43:38"> of  Plato's Republic 101 right take the  children</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:43:41"> away from their parents train  them make them</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:43:44"> into the kind of Brits</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:43:47">  the official Brit that's the job of</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:43:50"> Eton  and Harrow we'll create all</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:43:53"> these  administrators and the Reformers</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:43:56"> in the  20s said yeah that's a really good</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:43:59"> idea  we can't build</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:44:2"> such schools for the  working class</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:44:5"> but what we can do is take  the children away from their parents for</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:44:8">all of their waking hours this is the  British infant school</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:44:11"> system they fed  them children were in these schools</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:44:14"> for  about 12 hours a day and what</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:44:17"> they did  was to extend Montessori ideas in</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:44:20">very powerful ways so if you're  interested in this</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:44:23"> way of see</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:44:26"> everybody  gets that</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:44:29"> this is one of the ways you  get people to want what they need</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:44:32"> right  because</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:44:35"> we don't think about whether we  want to learn our culture</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:44:38">  we just learn</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:44:41"> it nobody</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:44:44"> tells we're in  this thing it's</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:44:47"> seamless</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:44:50"> Steve</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:44:53"> Jobs this  is</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:44:56"> his big brother photograph from 1984</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:44:59">everybody should learn how to code it  teaches you how to think</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:45:2"> well teaching  you how to think badly</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:45:5"> this is I mean</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:45:8">  Steve didn't even code so</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:45:11"> yeah no idea</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:45:14">what he was taught this is just complete  bullshit</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:45:17"> and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:45:20"> just empirically if you  look at</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:45:23"> where maybe</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:45:26">anecdotally but it'd be great to do you  know just look</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:45:29"> at the last 300</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:45:32"> computer  people you looked at and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:45:35"> maybe  encountered on the internet or</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:45:38">and there's no evidence that they can  think at all</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:45:41"> they can do a few little  things but in fact</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:45:44"> they don't even know  what thinking is because thinking</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:45:47"> is not  actually</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:45:50"> logic that</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:45:53"> was the mistake that  the Greeks made and that was the mistake</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:45:56">  that st. Thomas Aquinas made was the  major</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:45:59"> mistake of Middle Ages it was also  the major mistake</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:46:2"> of post-modernism that  isn't what it is</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:46:5"></subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:46:8"> so</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:46:11">programming but it's for different  bigger more</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:46:14"> important reasons</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:46:17"> but don't  don't be led astray just because</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:46:20">guy was successful in the pop culture I  knew</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:46:23"> him very well Steve and I were  friends to the extent that he</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:46:26"> could have  a friend I was the guy</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:46:29"> who set up the  Pixar deal for him besides having</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:46:32"> a fair  amount to do with the Mac</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:46:35">very well  he's</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:46:38"> one of the great salesmen of all  times</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:46:41"> okay so</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:46:44">  citizenship so</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:46:47"> the simple one here I  think is just</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:46:50"> Jefferson's</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:46:53"> basically the  path the ultimate powers reside</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:46:56">people if we think them not alight did  not let's not take it away</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:46:59"> from them but  you better inform their discretion  through</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:47:2"> education period that is why  public education is set</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:47:5"> up in this  country I'm not going to be labor at  this point</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:47:8"> but you could hardly find  that this is the fact when</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:47:11"> you go to any  school they</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:47:14"> teach dates here and there  but I've</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:47:17"> never found a public school  that actually teaches the children</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:47:20"> how  the country works what was the</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:47:23"> whole  point of setting it up that particular  way</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:47:26"> and why has it worked as well as it  has</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:47:29"> so the question here</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:47:32"> is we have to  ask what is enlightened enough mean for  this</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:47:35"> century what does that mean</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:47:38"> now I'm  just pointing this out because if we  don't</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:47:41"> take care of things like this it's  moot</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:47:44"> whether children learn how to  program regardless of</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:47:47"> whether it's we  have perfect participation by every</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:47:50">ethnic group and every gender and every  it's</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:47:53"> this moot we have to take</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:47:56"> care of  the larger ideas and education</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:47:59">  okay so richness so</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:48:2"> this</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:48:5"> is a diagram I  like that we</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:48:8"> have the systems of the  natural world we have the social systems  we</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:48:11"> have technological systems and we  have ourselves as many</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:48:14"> systems and  richness</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:48:17"> for most people comes out of  different aspects of</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:48:20"> this we could also  turn it around and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:48:23">going to do an education for the 21st  century it</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:48:26"> is precisely this that we  should</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:48:29"> look at and by the way there's an  underlying unifying</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:48:32"> way of thinking  about things and that</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:48:35"> is as terms of  systems these things are abstractly</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:48:38">similar as systems even though they  ramify</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:48:41"> in many different ways  that could be a different way</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:48:44"> of getting  rid of the stovepiping</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:48:47"> that education is  mired in</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:48:50"> right now okay so we need to</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:48:53">deal with the ineffable and so this  whole passel</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:48:56"> of things  is kind of a minimum</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:48:59"> set I could come up  with it would fit into 10 or</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:49:2"> 15 minutes  as part of this talk that</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:49:5"> needs to be  kind of thought about when you're trying  to think</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:49:8"> about something you want every  child to learn</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:49:11"></subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:49:14"> and maybe you start with  the children go</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:49:17"> to richness come back on  citizenship maybe</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:49:20"> you start with  richness go to the children come over</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:49:23"> to  citizenship in all cases jobs</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:49:26"> winds up  being the last thing because</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:49:29"> jobs come  primarily out of</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:49:32"> having wealth to do  something</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:49:35"> with and wealth here I mean is  the potential</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:49:38"> wealth is like having  energy resources</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:49:41"> wealth is like  inventing personal computing</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:49:44"> and then in  the internet these are the potential for</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:49:47">doing things those are the things that  have to be invented</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:49:50"> okay so mr. Spock  here  is</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:49:53"> always shocked when anybody</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:49:56"> pays any  attention to human beings especially</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:49:59">  technical people so</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:50:2"> here's a couple of  ideas simple</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:50:5"> metaphor from the 19th  century about human</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:50:8"> memory it's like an  erosion gully water</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:50:11"> comes down in some  random place if it gets</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:50:14">that channel is a little more efficient  pretty</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:50:17"> soon you've got one of these and  then pretty soon you've got the</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:50:20"> Grand  Canyon is an erosion gully if</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:50:23"> you've  ever been there it's a hell of a one and  in</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:50:26"> fact when you're in here</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:50:29"> it's hard to  even imagine that you could</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:50:32"> get out I  suppose you were born in there</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:50:35"> you might  not even know that this is sort</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:50:38"> of  pinkish it's the only color there</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:50:41"> is so  this is a way of thinking</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:50:44">context that we like to call reality  we're</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:50:47"> just in an erosion gully the  reason</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:50:50"> we fight everybody else in the  world is they're in a different inner  ocean gully</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:50:53"> none of these things are  real they're</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:50:56"> all made up of stories and  beliefs</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:50:59"> so here's a thing that's fun if</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:51:2">we had time we could do a few more of  them but</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:51:5"> quarters  I like</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:51:8"> oranges</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:51:11"> whole one so it's twice  as far away as</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:51:14"> the other and on a retina</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:51:17">  as they</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:51:20"> cart found out the cart found  out</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:51:23"> by getting an ox eye and peeling the  back off and that great</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:51:26"> the ox was dead  but</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:51:29"> he was curious as to whether a  biological lens</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:51:32"> worked like a glass one  and it did</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:51:35"> so the one that's twice as  far away comes</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:51:38"> out half the size we  can't see it that</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:51:41"> way because we've got  this pachinko</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:51:44"> machine called the brain  the</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:51:47"> processes that the brain give rise  to some of them</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:51:50"> we can call our beliefs  this big pink thing it's like the</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:51:53"> Grand  Canyon and we've got a real-time</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:51:56"> version  of it called the waking dream and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:51:59"> as our  neuro folks here will say</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:52:2"> yeah the  difference between the waking dream and  the sleeping</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:52:5"> dream has a lot to do with  just being</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:52:8"> able to check out references  every</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:52:11"> few seconds right isolation tanks  are</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:52:14"> making a comeback if you have never  tried</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:52:17"> one this is a thing from the 60s  you put</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:52:20"> on a wetsuit you're in a blood  temperature</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:52:23"> high saline bath plugged</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:52:26">  ears plugged eyes you can't feel a thing  you</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:52:29"> can't hear a thing about ten</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:52:32"> minutes  you start going on an LSD trip except  you don't need</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:52:35"> any LSD because</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:52:38"> the  references that</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:52:41"> are normally used here  to keep this waking dream were less on</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:52:44">  track are no longer there and you start  generating</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:52:47"> even while you're awake  everybody should do this</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:52:50"> so what happens  with the quarters</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:52:53"> is we believe that  they</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:52:56"> are the same size and the</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:52:59">combination of that with what we get  from our retina</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:53:2"> interestingly enough our  retina doesn't</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:53:5"> win our beliefs Trump the  thing and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:53:8"> the further away guys about  80% to size subjectively</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:53:11"> this is called  size constancy</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:53:14">  it's one of many many illusions</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:53:17">how to the extent that we are  disconnected</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:53:20">  actually from what our senses</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:53:23"> McLuhan  said until I believe it I can't</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:53:26"> see it  that's a good one</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:53:29"> and Vishal's</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:53:32"> favors we  cannot learn to see until we admit we  are blind</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:53:35"> that's what happened when we  invented science</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:53:38"> that was the first time  the human race really admitted that</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:53:41"> it's  common sense ways of dealing with the  world</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:53:44"> as what it seems were not valid</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:53:47"> so  you have to do some work to get</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:53:50">his so here's something it happened  right outside my hotel</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:53:53"> room in May there</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:53:56">  was a guy with a hammer and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:53:59"> you'd attack</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:54:2">some people the day before  further</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:54:5"> south this is like 8th Avenue</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:54:8">  and 43rd Street and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:54:11"> here's what people  who</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:54:14"> saw this attacked said oh mrs.  O'Grady</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:54:17"> said he was in flight when he</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:54:20">was shot he looked like he was trying to  get away from the officers we've</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:54:23"> heard  that recently and other incidents</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:54:26"> ms</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:54:29">  khalsa said and I'm sorry maybe I'm  crazy but</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:54:32"> I saw a man who is handcuffed  being shot</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:54:35"> so this is seconds</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:54:38"> after this  incident now fortunately</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:54:41"> I heard the  shots I was</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:54:44"> in my hotel room fortunately</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:54:47">  they had a camera surveillance camera so  here's</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:54:50"> what the surveillance camera take  a look at the upper right hand corner</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:54:59">there's the</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:55:2"> guy chasing the female cop  there's</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:55:5"> the male cop shooting him wasn't</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:55:8">  handcuffed he wasn't running away wasn't</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:55:11">doing any of the things the eyewitnesses  saw a few seconds</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:55:14"> ago they couldn't see</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:55:17">  what was on their retina</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:55:20"> don't</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:55:23"> ever get  in court don't ever go to a jury</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:55:26"> trial  don't ever do anything that</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:55:29"> relies on  witnesses</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:55:32"> because the you know the  prosecutors have no</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:55:35"> idea of any of this  stuff they just want to convict</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:55:38"> good as  you know we're here today to honor</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:55:41"> mrs.  flexor who you all know as your</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:55:44">first-grade teacher  she'll be here in just a minute</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:55:47"></subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:55:50"> okay</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:55:53">what's</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:55:56"> that look</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:55:59"></subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:56:2"> what does that look  yeah</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:56:5"> that's okay she's frightened out of  her mind that</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:56:8"> is the number one I just</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:56:11">got this off the internet there are  zillions of surprise party</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:56:14">have been caught so this is a gold mine  if you're</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:56:17"> interested in</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:56:20"> people have done  so the Internet</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:56:23"> has captured enough of  these some people have died of heart  attacks</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:56:26"> from a surprise party</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:56:29"> a couple</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:56:32">  of minutes later a release</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:56:35"> in tears a  couple of minutes later</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:56:38"> and her report</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:56:41">on this is this was the happiest day of  her life despite</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:56:44"> the fact that she had  been almost frightened out of her</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:56:47"> wits  so</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:56:50"> Daniel Kahneman would call this first</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:56:53">  reaction the fast reaction system one  and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:56:56"> he called system one it's said well  it's not really</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:56:59"> a system it's this is an  expository fiction this</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:57:2"> is putting  together a lot of complicated</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:57:5"> things  into one gloss</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:57:8"> on fast reactions</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:57:11">things  reactions are not</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:57:14"> what we would call  thoughtful reactions they</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:57:17"> are more like  reflexes now</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:57:20"> notice that misses call  misses flexor here</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:57:23"> knew everything about  surprise parties</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:57:26"> why was she surprised  well</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:57:29"> seven plus or minus two she</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:57:32">about it but it wasn't in her current  context</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:57:35"> her thinking thing</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:57:38"> condiment  system two took</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:57:41"> a while and figured out  everything safe</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:57:44"> now we should ask you</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:57:47">  so besides adrenaline whatever else</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:57:50">happens when you get one of these  surprise reactions</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:57:53"> what so</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:57:56"> many things  like dopamine and serotonin</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:57:59"> why well if  you have to</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:58:2"> fight you don't want to feel  any pain</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:58:5"> so what happens is your brain  dopes your</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:58:8"> entire body up so you cannot  feel pain when</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:58:11"> you're in a survival  situation and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:58:14"> guess what happens when  she didn't have to fight</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:58:17">  she was completely alert and coped</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:58:20"> to  the gills on her own dope</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:58:23"> you</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:58:26"> have to  understand this stuff</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:58:29"> so here's</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:58:32"> an old  book that's still good it has about 40  different ways</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:58:35"> of looking at the mind I  put</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:58:38"> that up there just so you realize  that there are dozens</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:58:41"> of perspectives  here they're not all the</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:58:44"> last word some  of them are compatible with each</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:58:47"> other  look at these kids</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:58:50">  these kids did</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:58:53"> not get on this roller  coaster expecting to die</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:58:56"> nobody does</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:58:59"> and  yet and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:59:2"> they're presumably very happy at  the end</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:59:5"> piccaboo works over and over</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:59:8"> and  over again and the reason is is that  system</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:59:11"> one can't be talked out of it  so one</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:59:14"> a test that you do go next to a  door and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:59:17"> you watch me I'll slam that  door and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:59:20"> you'll get this even though you  you</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:59:23"> know every single thing about it  doesn't matter</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:59:26"> so it's important to  realize</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:59:29"> that there is a heck of a lot of  mechanism</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:59:32"> in there that deals with real  time reactions</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:59:35"> to things and the  important</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:59:38"> thing here is to understand  that this fast</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:59:41"> guy is also dealing</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:59:44"> with  what you might call the atoms of</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:59:47"> thought  for the slow thinking</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:59:50"> I'll just let that  idea sit</subtitle>
<subtitle id="0:59:53"> for a second learning</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:0:2">okay</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:0:5"> you got your turn signal on all</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:0:11">okay</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:0:14"></subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:0:17"></subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:0:20"></subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:0:23"> everybody remember that</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:0:26"> you can't  your parent</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:0:29"> is trying to give you if I  can't hear what they're saying</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:0:32"> stop  signs over here you can</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:0:35"> barely see  what's going so if you tried to drive  with</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:0:38"> system two you're gonna</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:0:41"> miss most  everything what happens is you</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:0:44"> start  training these real-time you</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:0:47"> get real  trying modules that get trained at being  able to do</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:0:50"> all of these things and no  for a musical instrument might</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:0:53"> take a  couple of years McCarthy pointed out</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:0:56">programming is somewhere between  learning to</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:0:59"> drive and flying a plane</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:1:2"> so  whenever we set</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:1:5"> up something it's not  always just</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:1:8"> a cognitive thing this is  one of the problems of some</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:1:11">approaches we took in the past as we  would tend</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:1:14"> to say hey the drill and  practice thing is a</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:1:17"> bad well it is a bad  idea that is not the way to get</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:1:20"> the  repetitions the train system won but</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:1:23"> the  thing is the cognitive approach actually  gives you something</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:1:26"> that is much more  like this</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:1:29"> driving situation and it's not  enough context</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:1:32"> to do the kinds of  thinking that you need this implies</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:1:35"> that  the pedagogy and the approach is</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:1:38"> going  to be very very different that</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:1:41"> somehow  you have to do the atoms</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:1:44"> of thinking in  any thoughtful</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:1:47"> thing without losing the  larger context</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:1:50"> so music you get it by  having the</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:1:53"> children play really great  music and you're willing to</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:1:56"> sacrifice  everything else in order to get that</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:1:59">happen but you have to stay on it long  and I used to teach</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:2:2"> guitar you have to  stay on it long</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:2:5"> enough so that they  actually start developing the system one</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:2:8">that can handle all the real-time  demands</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:2:11"> okay there are zillions of these  I</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:2:14"> just went on the internet I found 20</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:2:17">on the internet but then it wound up  adding some</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:2:20"> more these are all biases  that have been found well</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:2:23"> known  you can think</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:2:26"> of many of them are  aspects of this Grand Canyon</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:2:29"> idea  many</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:2:32"> of them are seven plus</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:2:35"> or minus two  here's one that I wasn't</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:2:38">internet thing but it's something we  should look at here</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:2:41"> thing we do all the  time is perfect reasoning</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:2:44"> from wrong  premises because if we're in the</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:2:47"> wrong  context and we reason brilliantly we're  not going</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:2:50"> to get anywhere the Greeks  were graded the st. Thomas Aquinas was  great</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:2:53"> at it didn't get anywhere because  the context</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:2:56"> was wrong so</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:2:59"> rationalization  rationalizing</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:3:2"> rational thought all of  these things are secondary to</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:3:5"> something  stronger looking</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:3:8"> for the lamppost for  the lost keys that's</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:3:11"> a version of Esau  on the cup</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:3:14"> of soup giving up something  really important for convenience</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:3:17"> like  finding the keys linear</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:3:20"> scaling well  hardly anything</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:3:23"> that's interesting is  linear and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:3:26"> so we can't give in to our  nervous system I'm looking</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:3:29"> at scaling  and this has been really disastrous in  programming</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:3:32"> because programming is  taught as though the program's</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:3:35"> don't  turn into systems and the systems</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:3:38">turn into something large and so there  isn't an internet</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:3:41"> and so forth this is  getting</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:3:44"> completely miss taking simple  chemistry</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:3:47"> for biology they're just not  in</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:3:50"> the same ballpark so</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:3:53"> Francis Bacon so</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:3:56">here's the row again one of the  advantages of reading a lot is</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:3:59"> hardly  any</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:4:2"> of us certainly me all</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:4:5"> my ideas are  derivative</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:4:8"> just because I've read  thousands</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:4:11"> of books I didn't have to  puzzle this out</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:4:14"> because bacon wrote a  book called the</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:4:17"> Novum organum in 1620  where</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:4:20"> he said hey look  our brains are messed up we</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:4:23"> have bad  brains he called the</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:4:26"> ways of messing up  idols so</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:4:29"> we have we get serious errors  because of our genetics</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:4:32"> we get serious  errors because of the culture we're in  we</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:4:35"> get serious errors because of the  languages we use they don't</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:4:38"> represent  what's actually out there we get serious</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:4:41">  it errors from the way academia hangs on</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:4:44">to bad ideas and teaches them over again  these are his four</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:4:47"> idols anybody ever  read bacon he</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:4:50"> said we need something to</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:4:53">  get around our bad brains a set of</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:4:56">heuristics is the term we'd used today  and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:4:59"> what</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:5:2"> he called for was what he  called for science because</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:5:5"> that's what  Novum organum the rest of the title</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:5:8"> was  a new way of</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:5:11"> dealing with knowledge</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:5:14"> and  science</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:5:17"> is not the knowledge right  because</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:5:20"> the knowledge is is in this  context</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:5:23"> what science is is the  negotiation</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:5:26"> between what's out there and  what we can represent</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:5:29"> this is the big  idea this is the idea</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:5:32">in school this is the idea we should be  teaching it's</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:5:35"> one of the biggest ideas  of all time it</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:5:38"> isn't the knowledge it's  the relationship because what's</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:5:41"> out  there is only knowable</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:5:44"> by phenomena that  is being filtered in</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:5:47"> every possible way  and we</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:5:50"> don't know whether our brain is  even capable of representing</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:5:53"> the stuff  and so to</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:5:56"> think about science as the  truth is completely</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:5:59"> wrong it's not the</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:6:2">  right way to look at it but if you think  about</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:6:5"> is the negotiation between the  best</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:6:8"> you can do right now and stuff  that's out there that where</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:6:11">completely sure you're in a very strong  position</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:6:14"> science has been the most  powerful</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:6:17"> thought system</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:6:20"> human beings  have ever invented because</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:6:23"> it gave up  the idea of truth and it</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:6:26"> substituted for  a thousand variations</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:6:29"> of false some of  which are incredibly</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:6:32"> powerful  right this is the big</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:6:35"> idea so we're  gonna think about computing</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:6:38"> this is one  way and I've</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:6:41"> Seymour Papert thought  about it in a different way but</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:6:44"> this is  one way of thinking about</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:6:47"> Wow computers  they are representatives</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:6:50">about representations  can simulate</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:6:53"> ideas we get a very good  much better</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:6:56"> sense of dealing</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:6:59"> with  thinking about these complexities okay</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:7:2">  so</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:7:5"> maybe one I think we're</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:7:8"> one last</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:7:11"> part  of this pep talk and then I'll turn it  over to V</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:7:14"> Shaw so let's go back to the  pink plane</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:7:17"> here and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:7:20"> let's see we're at a  place</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:7:23"> on the pink plane and we have a  goal so we're</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:7:26"> we're at a we</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:7:29"> only are  looking in that direction because that's</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:7:32">where we're going we see B we say let's  plot a course</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:7:35"> to B but guess what</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:7:38"> the  world is nonlinear so we're really in  that</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:7:41"> because we didn't think about all  the dimensions okay</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:7:44"> so we can explore we</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:7:47">  can tinker away around it that's better  if</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:7:50"> that was good we can engineer a  superhighway and if</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:7:53"> we're really  adventurous we can invent the airplane</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:7:56">  forget about land travel let's just fly  over</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:7:59"> that mountain and here's the big  idea once we decide</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:8:2"> to take off from  land travel</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:8:5"> we not only are in</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:8:8"> a  different world we're not we</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:8:11"> discover  we're in a blue world and the blue world  has</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:8:14"> a much better destination than than  B</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:8:17"> so I've submit this as a metaphor that  can</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:8:20"> be used in many different areas</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:8:23"> like  simple one often</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:8:26"> you have to go away  from your goal to get to you go</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:8:29"> that is  a toughy remember we're</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:8:32"> primates the way  they catch monkeys in Burma</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:8:35"> everybody  know this Oh everybody</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:8:38"> should know this  okay so</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:8:41"> monkeys are primates like us and  what they do is they</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:8:44"> they just fasten  jars and</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:8:47"> they put a big nut</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:8:50">  the monkeys reach in to get that nut</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:8:53">  they can't get</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:8:56"> there aren't handout okay</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:8:59">now  that monkey could</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:9:2"> escape anytime by just  letting go of this nut but</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:9:5">hey don't let goes and nothing that  sound</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:9:8"> like any human activity you've  ever heard they</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:9:11"> can't let go than that  so</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:9:14"> in the morning they just</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:9:17"> come around  and so that I like monkey brains and  Burma</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:9:20"> so they come around just collect  these monkeys</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:9:23"> that could get away  anytime they wanted that</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:9:26"> isn't us I  don't know what it is</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:9:29">  so being able to go away from</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:9:32"> the goal  this is a heart like NSF</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:9:35"> is completely  blown it in computing</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:9:38"> because they've  given up on problem finding in</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:9:41"> doing  stuff that really doesn't have a goal</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:9:44"> in  the proposal for example goal</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:9:47"> should be  to find the goal somebody needs</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:9:50"> to pay  for that the</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:9:53"> engineering as a refinement  of something</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:9:56"> that's more like tinkling  or bricolage see more used to kala</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:9:59"> then  this idea that hey maybe surface</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:10:2"> travel  isn't the deal at all let's do</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:10:5"> something  qualitatively different and start flying</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:10:8">  and once you've made that effort</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:10:11"> to  qualitatively change</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:10:14"> suddenly you have  the possibility of scaping from this  whole</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:10:17"> context which was actually holding  you back ok</subtitle>
<subtitle id="1:10:20"> I'll leave you with that  thank you very much for listening</subtitle>

Latest revision as of 00:03, 7 December 2017

and with that it is my honor to  introduce you Ellen can work you know
this is just a little preliminary  warning here
the the internet  has done in supported
criticism  it's
like Gresham's law bad money drives  out
the good and there's so much  unsupported
criticism that good
  criticism criticism that supported is
  often claimed to be a rant
but this is  not a rant
however it will be critical
so my first exhibit
here is a kind
of  American dream so it
is the trappings of  riding
the bicycle as it's
very fancy  it has training wheels
the buyer of
this  device would be a parent probably
and  most important
thing about it is it's  like frets
on a violin it happens the  training
wheels actually don't help you  to learn to
ride a bike in fact they  help you towards the opposite
the number  one skill you have to learn when
you're  riding a bike is to balance and turn  into
the turns and the training wheels  prevent you from doing
that and so the
is not a joke just when I was
looking for slides for this on the  internet I found amazingly
that there  are a number of adult societies
that  have bikes with
training wheels like  this this is not a joke these people
do  Turing they race everything
else because  this is what they learned now of course  many
children get off the training  wheels at
some point  but significant
numbers of adults don't
now the way you to write
a bike and this  is relatively
recent compared to the  training wheel phenomenon is
you what  you want is to get the kids low bikes  they
don't even have any pedals because  that's not the
germane part if you want  low bytes so they
don't fall over and  they can it's kind of like a scooter and  what
you do is you learn to glide and to  turn
into the thing that's how you learn  to ride a bike
so these two exhibits
are  very germane I think
to what we're  talking about today so
I think of this  side as marketing
marketing is basically  dealing with
what people want and that  is
a large number like we want sugar we
  want fat we want fantasy football
we  have many many
wants and if you're  interested in it you
might look at a  book called human universals by
grant Brown who's an anthropologist  who's identified
about 300 things
  genetic things that
we are born wanting  and
many of the consumer
society  successes today are
technological  amplifiers for those things
now the
other group of people that are  interested in who people are
about we should be interested in who the  user is going
to be our educators
they  also study this is what we're supposed  to
be doing here I want to try and  differentiate
between the two and  education
educators are interested in  what people need
so this is requires  taking a moral stance
and it's tricky  because
of course we are all flawed  beings
also and people who take moral  stance
who are floral flawed beings  often wind
up with something that  resembles a religion or a cult
but still  what the educators
doing is essentially chain  rather
than catering and
in many cases  people don't
want what they need in
fact  there's a whole field called behavioral
  economics came
after Anthropology got  politicized
we fortunately have this  branch of cognitive
psychology called  behavioral economics that has
been  looking at what people do not what
they  say people as they are rather than
as  they're supposed to be and so the
  interesting question it would be really  nice
if we can get people to want what  they need and there
are some actual ways  of doing that
and I'll mention mention a  couple
so this
is mice I could not find  a picture of this
proper British lady I  had supper
with 30 years now in London
but Mary Poppins she was the Mary  Poppins type
and we had a great  conversation and drifted
into education  and at some point
she said oh you  Americans
have the best high school  education in the world and I
said what  and she said
what a pity you have to go  to college to get it
now graduate school
so there
are these  tests of reading the National
Assessment  of Educational Progress they
have a  dismal standard
for what they call  proficient reading it's not
what we  would call proficient but it's the main  one that
has looked at that's mainly for  K through 12 but
what school if you dig  around on
their website you can find  that they've also looked
at using the  same criteria at
graduates graduates of  four-year colleges
and universities and
in 1992
42 percent of
college graduates
  were proficient or better
so less than  half
in 2003 11 years later
when they  did it was down to 31 percent
so  colleges are not even guarding
the  literacy so
what this says to me that on  this average I mean this is
one number  for 4,000 institutions
but what it says  is that lump
together colleges are  essentially selling
degrees we kind of  know that but that's what
because the college is not actually  guarding
what it means to be educated  that
in some very important census they  are
giving people degrees who cannot  possibly be educated
another little  preliminary idea
here is because we're  we
tend to use indo-european languages
  including the ones came
out of India  those languages
are very noun oriented
now and
there's mostly about things the  things don't
interpenetrate and
so if we  think of ideas as matter
they oppose  each other but we also could
ideas as being made  of radiation we
got superposition now we  can shine as many lights in
the same  spot as we want and we don't have to  resolve
them we can look at the mixtures  of
them and we can consider them  separately we don't
have to make a  decision they're all occupying the
space and I'm offering this up as a  metaphor because
before Design  Thinking was a phrase the
number one  thing about design is being able to hold
mutually incompatible things in your  head for a very
very long time before  you make
any commitments we
tend to  commit early much too early
so things  are processes nouns or
verbs here's the  t-shirt for today
this is silicon valley  so
this would have been you know we  always make t-shirts so my
design  t-shirt would show the superposition of
  ideas as radiation
and can't
do a talk  without a Winston Churchill story
there  are so many good ones and
I'll avoid my  tendency to digress to
tell you five of  them but
the one that's good at this one  he was at a party there
he is smoking  his cigar and the
hostess who is a  duchess came over to
him and said mr.  Churchill I'm so distressed
I just saw  Earl so-and-so
over there steal one of  my silver salt
shakers and
Churchill  thought for a while and he went over
the Earl and on the way picked up  another salt shaker and put it in
his  pocket and when he got over to the Earl  he took
it out and he said I think we've  been noticed perhaps
we should put these  back
  so this is how you if you
want to get  something done the way you do it is not
so much trying to convince somebody but  to create
a tribe that is a conspiracy  because
anthropologically that is what
  we are more than any other thing we are  tribal
beings and we tend to  automatically oppose
things outside of  our tribe even
if they're good ideas  because that isn't the way we think  in
fact we don't think we're not  primarily
thinking animals
so this
thing  about coding is
often mentioned
side by  side with jobs competitiveness
diversity  it's
got a million things going on with
  it but I thought I'd put
up three other  things that I think need
to be thought  about first and one of
them is our I  think
our primary duty as adults is not
  to go out and get a job but to
think  about the next generation
that's part of  the larger picture of thing a
job is  just about us and now
children are the  next
generation and Marshall McLuhan  said
children are the messages
we send  to the future but my
retort to McLuhan  was no
they they are the future we're  sending to the future
they're not a  message they are the future and
  got another duty in a
society that has  created so much wealth by
a certain  complicated difficult kind
of  cooperation the reason
we're all here is  not because we're competitive reason
  we're here is because we live in a  larger
structure in which competition  the
hunting and gathering parts of us  that
go back a couple hundred thousand  years are subsumed
  a larger set of cooperation that
creates  all of the wealth hunting and gatherers
  need fertile valleys created
by somebody  else nature they
strip it dry that's the  impulse and move on sounds
a little bit  like business doesn't
even sound the  agricultural but
in order to scale our  natural
tendencies to exploit we have
something very very different and  we
are the beneficiaries of that
so for  thinking about education my
even bother with this for a while  let's
worry about what's really going on  and then
there's this idea which is  almost
never talked about in
our  pragmatic society like ours
which is I  just been calling
richness it can happen
  in the context of work it
with children can happen with citizen  chip
but it's basically something that  is the
man does not live by bread alone  idea
and I
believe that this is
a  rallying point to try and understand
what the rest of education is about  particularly
as it relates
to how we  should think about children
in the next  generation
ok so that was one I'm  basically
doing five points here
  I look at a look
at them a little more  deeply I usually don't do that I don't  like top-down
stuff but I figured for
  this talk it would be good so the first  thing had to
do with you know what what  are some
of the contexts that we care  about second context
is humans 101
so  one part of it is
of course we're very  complex but
our minds  are
very theatrical the
way we respond  to theater
is also the way we respond
what we like to call reality which in  itself is a kind of
theater and there  are a few people here who
are there are  some neuro people here right I saw
  anybody yes
so tell them all about it  this afternoon
so these are  understanding
more about what's going on
  here is really important so the the  theatrical
thing another one is our
  minds are tiny here's George Miller one
of the inventors of cognitive psychology  and fact
7 plus or minus 2 has been  downgraded
plus or minus 2 was dealing  with number sequences
and stuff and this
has been looked at and a lot and the  truth is is that we're terrible
at  multitasking and in fact it is
very  difficult for us to sensibly deal with
  multiple things even if they have been
  chunked hugely so
we can think of this  as like if you take these two
ideas  together this is also user interface
  design 101 we
have theatrical reactions  to things we
need to create theater when  we're creating a user interface
design  and we're completely limited and
so  playing those off against each other is  tremendously
important we'll look at  this a little bit more and then
a more  controversial idea is that we are mostly  not
human this is
something that is  outside of the myth that human
beings  like to believe in but in fact we
a lot  of us is primate and a
whole lot of us  is mammalian and
how that plays out  against
some of the more recent  additions
to our mental apparatus  particularly our culture are
interesting  so these three things are things that  are worthwhile
holding in mind by the  way these are things that computer
  people just hate to think about most  computer
people went into computing  because they were disturb
  by other human beings
one of the  reasons that coding
programming has  stayed so much
the way it is terrible  set of ideas that
were almost necessary  in the 40s
and 50s are still around  today as
the primary ways of doing  programming
because they are the most  mechanical ways
that in the small they  are the most understandable
reliable the problem is in the large  they don't scale
at all in the large  they are the least
reliable way of doing  anything and it's only
by looking at  tiny little places that people have any
  comfort at all and so they stay with  where they're
comfortable this is so
the  theatrical part of this is lots bigger
  than we think the limitations are much
  less or smaller than we think and the
  relationship we have with our
heritage  is much we
are much more different than  we think we are
okay now the third idea  here would
go back to the first Turing  Award winner
this little gnome of a man  was one of the great
men of our time  Alper Lowe's and
he more or less created  computer
science and I thought since the
  CS term is bandied about a lot it might  be interesting
to see what the guy who  invented the term actually meant by
it  so he said this in
the early 60s and  somebody said
what does that mean and he  said computer science
is the science of  processes I remember
science  he didn't mean science as in library  science
he didn't mean sciences and  social science he
actually meant science  he didn't mean it as a metaphor
he meant  we need to have a science of things
in  process and there are a gazillion of
  them that is what he meant he didn't
have an engineering definition that's  something
else he said we need to  understand
things in process and he
meant all processes meant mechanical  processes
  technological processes there's the
  Constitution social processes
the guys  who did the Constitution
were social
  geniuses they actually put
together a  system better than any computer system  we've
ever done because it has millions
  and millions of not terribly cooperating  parts
and it is basically thrived with
  some hiccups along the way for hundreds  of
years think about that and the cops
  Constitution I have a version of it with
me is just a tiny little book it's a  meta
recipe for a
very complicated multi  processing operating
system far far  beyond anything we've been able to
do  and of
course biology and of course  mental
processes all of these processes  were things
and the other thing that  pearl Ellis said is
looking at  all processes it itself because of
what  it is can serve as a representation a
  kind of a mathematics for all processes  so this
is a big idea this is an  exciting idea
it excited me it's
like  one of the greatest things I hate to see  computing
and computer science water  down to some
terrible kind of  engineering that the Babylonians
might  have failed at with
tiny conceptions of  programming a computer
like munging  variables with an
assignment statement  that is pathetic and
I'm saying it in  this strong way because
you need to  realize that we're in the middle of
a  complete form
of bullshit that has grown  up out of
the pop culture colliding with
  this power this power and wealth
in  order to serve education which
i think  is much more still should be about
people need rather than what they want  education can't
cave in to what the pop  culture
does it has to think about  itself
as being about the  culture that developed
culture shouldn't  get rid of the pop culture cop
pop  culture has incredible energy
any  developed culture needs that energy
but  it cannot give in to that energy there
  has to be a reasonable tension there
so  that was number three number four is
boy  if you look at other fields like
  mechanical CAD or electrical cat or  biocad
now they have all these great
  toys they happen to be all
implemented  on computers computer-aided design
  simulators and now
fab you
think it up  save mechanically whatever
it is design  it
simulate it now we can build it build
  a flute so the idea here is
in every  place except computing is
this notion of  people moving
towards wanting to design  and wanting to ship
the design it's
in  computing that we are so far behind
  we're still more
than 80 percent of the  undergraduates at
UCLA a top 10 computer  science
department use by terminal  emulators
which itself was emulating  decks
of punched cards doing
the same  kind of compilation
loading and linking  in
say C++ that's
their main language  there as was done
50 years ago this does  not
scale and yet this is what computer  people are doing they
don't have  anything like what more sensible
in these other fields are using  computers for so
if you take these two  things together take perlis
and this
  notion is a programming
system yeah part  of it is the functionality part
that's  what you see in most
systems for let's  everybody code
it's got a
  most of them got numbers
maybe they got  a raise they got assignment
statements  all the usual suspects
there that's not  even close
that is not what the put in  front of people
what you need is
an  environment an environment is it's about  systems
it's a bit about design it's  about media programming
language is a  user interface as
much as it is any  other thing why have
multiple ones  they're altering equivalent
so what's  the difference well at one end it's
some  of them run faster than others another
  part you might have to write
less code but another part is they  should be something
that you think in  terms of and they're the
idea of a user  interface and giving you
ways of  thinking about things starts dominating
  okay last of the five ideas to
get  started here is this notion of
  thresholds this is critical
and I think  this is an interesting
thing that in  science and engineering
this is  something that is understood
in a way  but it's rarely
talked about and in most
educational situations it's not  understood
and thus rarely talked about  and
it's this idea
progress wiggly  line
them in the paper all the time  could be reading
scores yay
ooh yay  boo
yeah meaningless
absolutely and  completely meaningless same with the
stock market no matter what happens in  the stock market there's
some  rationalization for it even if it's just  looking
at random noise
think about what  thinking is thinking
is not being  logical
thinking is choosing
environment that you're going to think  in before
you start rationalizing  so
let's put a threshold in
so my  threshold name is what is
actually  needed and here we
can see that this guy  and this
guy are irrelevant this guy is  really
relevant we got past the  threshold now we're
something before we were just  bullshitting around
yay we don't care
  the fluctuations here are things
we're really interested in because we're  guiding
this growth process now
for most  things in
human society we've got this
  the threshold is up here and
now none of  this actually means any this is
like  reading take reading
doesn't matter  where it's going up or down because
it's  all below threshold the children aren't  really
learning to read fluently enough  in so you're always getting a  qualitative
gap you're basically in this  zone
I call the pink zone doesn't
matter  most
people don't care about it and
the  idea of thresholds are actually fought
  because a threshold will reveal
  something is actually
wrong now
reforms  or impulses
often happen down here  here's
huge amount of effort
fizzle  yay wonk
completely irrelevant
and can  be in any area it
could be an education  you see it all time how about the  moonshot
hey we made it to the moon so
what we set back space travel more than  50 years
why because the
physics the  chemistry and the mathematics
of space  travel are that it just
with chemical rocketry  it's
about MV equals MV you're  exchanging momentum
chemical processes  cannot
get the velocity
  of the particles you're letting out to
  be high enough to actually give
you  that's why the Saturn rocket is 45
stories literally have you ever seen one  up close  Kate
calves Romy Canaveral Museum in  Florida don't
miss it they have one  sideways so
this is a forty five story  building hung sideways
that is one and a  half football feels
and it is all high  explosive
except for the little end part  where there are three people
if you want  a visual
explanation of the physics of
  chemical rocketry no you cannot
do space  travel that way and
this whole thing was
  a huge effort but it was aimed at the  wrong place
so you actually set up a  bunch of
technologies that now had to be  exploited further and you still
get anywhere and you still don't get  anywhere and now everybody's
lost their  taste for it
the web I'm not going
to my  diatribe about the web but web browsers
everybody uses it every day it's like  one of the worst ideas
ever ever
it only  does a few things compared
to what it  should be doing and this is hard
explain the people you heart it's hard  to find people who actually
are willing  to criticize the whip but
you know why  so well gee you can't it
was done on a  machine that already had WYSIWYG editing
  after 20 years why doesn't it still have  wood why
doesn't have WYSIWYG editing  well they're getting to it
no he took a  couple of years to do
WYSIWYG editing in  the first place so
what we've got there  is the ultimate Esau's
cup of soup if  you know that story from the Bible Esau
  came home from a hunt he was the big  hairy
he-man brother the little brother  jacob
was cooking some soup and he saw  said
brother i'm hungry  can i have some soup and
jacob said yes  for your birthright and
he saw i said  okay
that's humans 101 that
is what  behavioral economics is all about
  we are willing to sell a lot
for  momentary convenience so
here are two  words better and perfect do
we need to  really pay heat this is
the more  dangerous one better and perfect are
the  two enemies of what is actually needed  right
perfect as
I was talking to Mike  earlier
I hope to get to this slide  because he did something that
is really  cool I'm gonna show you the the
abstraction of it and I hope we get to  what it actually is
no better
disaster  this is where incremental
progress comes  from we need qualitative
progress so
you  need to get there
it's the lowest thing  that is
above the threshold this is the
secret you know this is something they  don't teach you in design
school but  it's something it's really important to
understand if you wanted if you want to  invent something
that is gonna generate  say 30 trillion bucks
like twenty four  of us
at Xerox PARC this is how you do
  it you have to find this thing and
I  call this
the McCready sweet spot Paul
MacCready was the guy who did  man-powered flight after 50
years of  really good people failing at it he did
it in six months from the time he  decided to
do it I will not use the time  to tell that
story but maybe in the  question and answer because it's a great  story
but this guy more
than any other  person I ever knew and he
wouldn't budge  until he found this so
you can think of  this as the
primary part of making  progress is
problem finding problem fine  forget
about problem solving you're  probably in the wrong context
you're  already in a place
where your sense of  problems is probably completely wrong
so like the premise of this whole  meeting is probably completely wrong
  start there probably completely
but it's  good because you got the people here but
just start off with the idea it's  probably come  me wrong
what is actually needed and  what is
that and
here's something the  thunders hate
like if this is Xerox PARC
  this was the
ARPA community for 10 years
  Xerox PARC has held up as some
  miraculous Oasis and that that wasn't
  true at all we were just an outgrowth of  this
much larger community that in fact
hought up most of the ideas the  philosophies and
we were just recent
  PhDs I was the oldest person there I was
  30 Butler Lampson was 27 the
guy who was  set it up Bob Taylor was 38
there was  all this money
that went into inventing  computer
graphics and artificial  intelligence and the programming
  language Lisp and just every
kind of  thing there and
when we went to park  what we looked at is what is this
for  this ARPA
and once you get there
  you get a whole region now you can
operate it because it's not just getting  to a point
you're actually getting to a  place with
a different set of ideas and  all of
a sudden you're definitely above  what is
actually needed and for a while  you
can actually make real progress not
  fake progress
and basically you think of  as taking our normal
pink brains and  adding a point
of view an  epistemological stance a way
of looking  at things that was different that makes
  our week mental
operations much much  more powerful I mean my slogan
for that  is point of view is worth 80 IQ points
  it's the number one thing that you want  to do
because we're terrible at thinking  and weak context
don't forget that  when you're thinking about things this  afternoon
  and we probably don't have any
funders  in the room but I like to point out
hem that no invention has been more  practical than
science I also
the business business is always saying  well we're in business to
make money I  said no you aren't really you're only  trying
to make millions and billions
cience has created trillions
trillions  and trillions of dollars off
almost no  investment
get your head on straight  invest
the right way ok
so let's quickly  take
a look at a couple of these clothes  here we take
a look at these any  questions so far on this
claim this is  not a rant because
I'm happy to justify  anything that I've said
but I'm because  this is an oral talk I'm
short  circuiting and just making it as claims
  but I'm sure you'll trust what
I'm  saying here so take
these four areas  let's take a look
at jobs
coding for  jobs so I got
my friend Vishal here and  I happened
to know him very well I think  we've
known each other for years right  so
so I'm gonna put I'm gonna
put  something into his mouth and let's see  what
he says Vishal my
my screen Vishal  says I don't want my
folks cold the code  the old bad ways I want them
to know how  to design and think is that reasonable
  100 percent right CEO of
a company that  has a hundred and eighty thousand people  and
it depends on programming
the  problem is teaching people
to code in  the way most of this is being done it's  not
going to get you there it's just  dicking around underneath
the threshold  so for
even going to worry about jobs  for three nanoseconds
we need something  qualitatively different let's
take a  look at next generation
there's so many  things we could say here but one is
we  have decided
in our society we're going  to teach reading and writing to every  child regardless
of whether they want to  or not right
it is not their choice so  this
violates Einstein who said love
is  a better teacher than duty I
happen to  agree with this idea
because I think  it's the duty of
this society to do  something about
instilling the strongest  parts of
the culture in the next  generation and so we're just taking
that  even though in many ways it's going
to  be problematic Thoreau has said without  books
history is silent literature dumb  science
crippled thought and speculation  at a standstill
we're just doing it
high school
is way too late I don't even  know why you're bothering with it here
this does I
mean it's okay if you  got spare time
but if you're gonna take  a subject
seriously like reading and  writing
like thinking
and whatever the
part that computing might have to play  and thinking
in the future and I think  it's a big part I'm
going to take it  serious forget about high school
we're  talking about something that
has to be  begin early
and this
has been a tough  sell because the way America
looks at it  we have jobs problems and if we
them you know we can get  no
that's disaster that's like  quarter-to-quarter
thinking done on a  national scale it
is just bad so
we have  to think earlier now if
you have good  thoughts for children
an interesting  thing is that those are not
pet for  tossing
into high school as long as you  don't take them too seriously  like
the user-interface that everybody  uses it today
the GUI that was my  invention and I originally
for children and I designed it that way  because
we had far more important things  that we wanted them to learn that
interface is not a good user interface  for adults
but in fact it's the
one that  adults wound up using because we
made it  easier for children to learn same thing
the iPad the iPad is good for two year  olds and ninety two
in between  it's
a terrible user interface and  hardly anybody knows it
  think about it and Apple finally  realized
oh maybe we should put
ools in there like maybe a pencil maybe  a keyboard
reminds me of a idea
from the  60s they'll
get there eventually okay
so  the relationship
here with what vishal  wants
we have to take a bit of a long  view it's not I
mean K through 12 is 13  years how long
is how long does it take  to even get going how long does it take
  to deploy that's what
we have to be  thinking about
five years from now  today's
kindergartners will be in fifth  grade and we know a lot about
what to do  with fifth graders and we know a bit
  about what to do with younger children  the
logistics are enormous for
doing any  kind of deployment we'll
talk about that  on a bit
biggest barrier for children
  all the adults around them
this happens to be a
it's a  parliament in a country
we regard as  eminently civilized
this on this  particular day
they lost it and it  wasn't the only time
but that's not  that's
just the symptom the
problem is  because
adults are trying to  recapitulate the children
into  themselves if they aren't
at the  tippy-top of the of
the century that  they're living in they're recapitulating
  children into the past this is
the Montessori pointed out in her first  book she said
the biggest problem  she
said children are driven by nature  to
learn the environment around them  they don't know where they're being born
into by the way she was the one of the  top three people
in anthropology in in
at this
urged today digress and  this is a good story  so
Montessori undergraduate degree was  in
engineering that's
what she wanted to  get a PhD in they wouldn't let her
this  is 19th century Italy and
so she put up  a fuss and finally
the University of  Rome said they'd admit her for a medical
degree if she could pass this test they  were sure she couldn't
pass but think  about Maria Montessori she was just much
  much smarter than any of us in this room  she
was a first-class intellect she aced
this test and became the first woman  physician
in Italy and
not having had a  calling for it she decided
medicine and it was through the slum  medicine that she
saw the children she  started picking up ideas for them
eanwhile she was studying anthropology  and the
number one principle she had is  children
don't know what society they're  being born
into and yet they learn it  therefore
we need to set up the society  we
want them to acclimate to and
if we  can't do it in home then we should you
make  Google embody the idea it's not a  question of
telling the children about  the century
question of putting them in this entry  instead
of living land this is an idea  that Seymour Papert use
very strong in  his metaphor for math land
want to go  learn French go to France want
to go  learn math go to a math land except
we  don't have a math land make what
is a big idea and I think this is the  number one thing
that should be thought  about if we're doing design this  afternoon
is this idea of hey what
children were brought up in the future  there are some interesting
there  was an extended Montessori
effort done  by the
British between the two world
wars called the British infant school  system anybody here
ever hear of that  yeah so
this is so basically the  reasoning there was we created
the  stewards of the British Empire
in the  boarding schools Eton
and Harrow we took  the children away from this plate
of  Plato's Republic 101 right take the  children
away from their parents train  them make them
into the kind of Brits
  the official Brit that's the job of
Eton  and Harrow we'll create all
these  administrators and the Reformers
in the  20s said yeah that's a really good
idea  we can't build
such schools for the  working class
but what we can do is take  the children away from their parents for
all of their waking hours this is the  British infant school
system they fed  them children were in these schools
for  about 12 hours a day and what
they did  was to extend Montessori ideas in
very powerful ways so if you're  interested in this
way of see
everybody  gets that
this is one of the ways you  get people to want what they need
right  because
we don't think about whether we  want to learn our culture
  we just learn
it nobody
tells we're in  this thing it's
Jobs this  is
his big brother photograph from 1984
everybody should learn how to code it  teaches you how to think
well teaching  you how to think badly
this is I mean
  Steve didn't even code so
yeah no idea
what he was taught this is just complete  bullshit
just empirically if you  look at
where maybe
anecdotally but it'd be great to do you  know just look
at the last 300
computer  people you looked at and
maybe  encountered on the internet or
and there's no evidence that they can  think at all
they can do a few little  things but in fact
they don't even know  what thinking is because thinking
is not  actually
logic that
was the mistake that  the Greeks made and that was the mistake
  that st. Thomas Aquinas made was the  major
mistake of Middle Ages it was also  the major mistake
of post-modernism that  isn't what it is
programming but it's for different  bigger more
important reasons
but don't  don't be led astray just because
guy was successful in the pop culture I  knew
him very well Steve and I were  friends to the extent that he
could have  a friend I was the guy
who set up the  Pixar deal for him besides having
a fair  amount to do with the Mac
very well  he's
one of the great salesmen of all  times
okay so
  citizenship so
the simple one here I  think is just
basically the  path the ultimate powers reside
people if we think them not alight did  not let's not take it away
from them but  you better inform their discretion  through
education period that is why  public education is set
up in this  country I'm not going to be labor at  this point
but you could hardly find  that this is the fact when
you go to any  school they
teach dates here and there  but I've
never found a public school  that actually teaches the children
how  the country works what was the
whole  point of setting it up that particular  way
and why has it worked as well as it  has
so the question here
is we have to  ask what is enlightened enough mean for  this
century what does that mean
now I'm  just pointing this out because if we  don't
take care of things like this it's  moot
whether children learn how to  program regardless of
whether it's we  have perfect participation by every
ethnic group and every gender and every  it's
this moot we have to take
care of  the larger ideas and education
  okay so richness so
is a diagram I  like that we
have the systems of the  natural world we have the social systems  we
have technological systems and we  have ourselves as many
systems and  richness
for most people comes out of  different aspects of
this we could also  turn it around and
going to do an education for the 21st  century it
is precisely this that we  should
look at and by the way there's an  underlying unifying
way of thinking  about things and that
is as terms of  systems these things are abstractly
similar as systems even though they  ramify
in many different ways  that could be a different way
of getting  rid of the stovepiping
that education is  mired in
right now okay so we need to
deal with the ineffable and so this  whole passel
of things  is kind of a minimum
set I could come up  with it would fit into 10 or
15 minutes  as part of this talk that
needs to be  kind of thought about when you're trying  to think
about something you want every  child to learn
and maybe you start with  the children go
to richness come back on  citizenship maybe
you start with  richness go to the children come over
to  citizenship in all cases jobs
winds up  being the last thing because
jobs come  primarily out of
having wealth to do  something
with and wealth here I mean is  the potential
wealth is like having  energy resources
wealth is like  inventing personal computing
and then in  the internet these are the potential for
doing things those are the things that  have to be invented
okay so mr. Spock  here  is
always shocked when anybody
pays any  attention to human beings especially
  technical people so
here's a couple of  ideas simple
metaphor from the 19th  century about human
memory it's like an  erosion gully water
comes down in some  random place if it gets
that channel is a little more efficient  pretty
soon you've got one of these and  then pretty soon you've got the
Grand  Canyon is an erosion gully if
you've  ever been there it's a hell of a one and  in
fact when you're in here
it's hard to  even imagine that you could
get out I  suppose you were born in there
you might  not even know that this is sort
of  pinkish it's the only color there
is so  this is a way of thinking
context that we like to call reality  we're
just in an erosion gully the  reason
we fight everybody else in the  world is they're in a different inner  ocean gully
none of these things are  real they're
all made up of stories and  beliefs
so here's a thing that's fun if
we had time we could do a few more of  them but
quarters  I like
whole one so it's twice  as far away as
the other and on a retina
  as they
cart found out the cart found  out
by getting an ox eye and peeling the  back off and that great
the ox was dead  but
he was curious as to whether a  biological lens
worked like a glass one  and it did
so the one that's twice as  far away comes
out half the size we  can't see it that
way because we've got  this pachinko
machine called the brain  the
processes that the brain give rise  to some of them
we can call our beliefs  this big pink thing it's like the
Grand  Canyon and we've got a real-time
version  of it called the waking dream and
as our  neuro folks here will say
yeah the  difference between the waking dream and  the sleeping
dream has a lot to do with  just being
able to check out references  every
few seconds right isolation tanks  are
making a comeback if you have never  tried
one this is a thing from the 60s  you put
on a wetsuit you're in a blood  temperature
high saline bath plugged
  ears plugged eyes you can't feel a thing  you
can't hear a thing about ten
minutes  you start going on an LSD trip except  you don't need
any LSD because
the  references that
are normally used here  to keep this waking dream were less on
  track are no longer there and you start  generating
even while you're awake  everybody should do this
so what happens  with the quarters
is we believe that  they
are the same size and the
combination of that with what we get  from our retina
interestingly enough our  retina doesn't
win our beliefs Trump the  thing and
the further away guys about  80% to size subjectively
this is called  size constancy
  it's one of many many illusions
how to the extent that we are  disconnected
  actually from what our senses
McLuhan  said until I believe it I can't
see it  that's a good one
and Vishal's
favors we  cannot learn to see until we admit we  are blind
that's what happened when we  invented science
that was the first time  the human race really admitted that
it's  common sense ways of dealing with the  world
as what it seems were not valid
so  you have to do some work to get
his so here's something it happened  right outside my hotel
room in May there
  was a guy with a hammer and
you'd attack
some people the day before  further
south this is like 8th Avenue
  and 43rd Street and
here's what people  who
saw this attacked said oh mrs.  O'Grady
said he was in flight when he
was shot he looked like he was trying to  get away from the officers we've
heard  that recently and other incidents
  khalsa said and I'm sorry maybe I'm  crazy but
I saw a man who is handcuffed  being shot
so this is seconds
after this  incident now fortunately
I heard the  shots I was
in my hotel room fortunately
  they had a camera surveillance camera so  here's
what the surveillance camera take  a look at the upper right hand corner
there's the
guy chasing the female cop  there's
the male cop shooting him wasn't
  handcuffed he wasn't running away wasn't
doing any of the things the eyewitnesses  saw a few seconds
ago they couldn't see
  what was on their retina
ever get  in court don't ever go to a jury
trial  don't ever do anything that
relies on  witnesses
because the you know the  prosecutors have no
idea of any of this  stuff they just want to convict
good as  you know we're here today to honor
mrs.  flexor who you all know as your
first-grade teacher  she'll be here in just a minute
that look
what does that look  yeah
that's okay she's frightened out of  her mind that
is the number one I just
got this off the internet there are  zillions of surprise party
have been caught so this is a gold mine  if you're
interested in
people have done  so the Internet
has captured enough of  these some people have died of heart  attacks
from a surprise party
a couple
  of minutes later a release
in tears a  couple of minutes later
and her report
on this is this was the happiest day of  her life despite
the fact that she had  been almost frightened out of her
wits  so
Daniel Kahneman would call this first
  reaction the fast reaction system one  and
he called system one it's said well  it's not really
a system it's this is an  expository fiction this
is putting  together a lot of complicated
things  into one gloss
on fast reactions
things  reactions are not
what we would call  thoughtful reactions they
are more like  reflexes now
notice that misses call  misses flexor here
knew everything about  surprise parties
why was she surprised  well
seven plus or minus two she
about it but it wasn't in her current  context
her thinking thing
condiment  system two took
a while and figured out  everything safe
now we should ask you
  so besides adrenaline whatever else
happens when you get one of these  surprise reactions
what so
many things  like dopamine and serotonin
why well if  you have to
fight you don't want to feel  any pain
so what happens is your brain  dopes your
entire body up so you cannot  feel pain when
you're in a survival  situation and
guess what happens when  she didn't have to fight
  she was completely alert and coped
to  the gills on her own dope
have to  understand this stuff
so here's
an old  book that's still good it has about 40  different ways
of looking at the mind I  put
that up there just so you realize  that there are dozens
of perspectives  here they're not all the
last word some  of them are compatible with each
other  look at these kids
  these kids did
not get on this roller  coaster expecting to die
nobody does
and  yet and
they're presumably very happy at  the end
piccaboo works over and over
and  over again and the reason is is that  system
one can't be talked out of it  so one
a test that you do go next to a  door and
you watch me I'll slam that  door and
you'll get this even though you  you
know every single thing about it  doesn't matter
so it's important to  realize
that there is a heck of a lot of  mechanism
in there that deals with real  time reactions
to things and the  important
thing here is to understand  that this fast
guy is also dealing
with  what you might call the atoms of
thought  for the slow thinking
I'll just let that  idea sit
for a second learning
you got your turn signal on all
everybody remember that
you can't  your parent
is trying to give you if I  can't hear what they're saying
stop  signs over here you can
barely see  what's going so if you tried to drive  with
system two you're gonna
miss most  everything what happens is you
start  training these real-time you
get real  trying modules that get trained at being  able to do
all of these things and no  for a musical instrument might
take a  couple of years McCarthy pointed out
programming is somewhere between  learning to
drive and flying a plane
so  whenever we set
up something it's not  always just
a cognitive thing this is  one of the problems of some
approaches we took in the past as we  would tend
to say hey the drill and  practice thing is a
bad well it is a bad  idea that is not the way to get
the  repetitions the train system won but
the  thing is the cognitive approach actually  gives you something
that is much more  like this
driving situation and it's not  enough context
to do the kinds of  thinking that you need this implies
that  the pedagogy and the approach is
going  to be very very different that
somehow  you have to do the atoms
of thinking in  any thoughtful
thing without losing the  larger context
so music you get it by  having the
children play really great  music and you're willing to
sacrifice  everything else in order to get that
happen but you have to stay on it long  and I used to teach
guitar you have to  stay on it long
enough so that they  actually start developing the system one
that can handle all the real-time  demands
okay there are zillions of these  I
just went on the internet I found 20
on the internet but then it wound up  adding some
more these are all biases  that have been found well
known  you can think
of many of them are  aspects of this Grand Canyon
idea  many
of them are seven plus
or minus two  here's one that I wasn't
internet thing but it's something we  should look at here
thing we do all the  time is perfect reasoning
from wrong  premises because if we're in the
wrong  context and we reason brilliantly we're  not going
to get anywhere the Greeks  were graded the st. Thomas Aquinas was  great
at it didn't get anywhere because  the context
was wrong so
rationalization  rationalizing
rational thought all of  these things are secondary to
something  stronger looking
for the lamppost for  the lost keys that's
a version of Esau  on the cup
of soup giving up something  really important for convenience
like  finding the keys linear
scaling well  hardly anything
that's interesting is  linear and
so we can't give in to our  nervous system I'm looking
at scaling  and this has been really disastrous in  programming
because programming is  taught as though the program's
don't  turn into systems and the systems
turn into something large and so there  isn't an internet
and so forth this is  getting
completely miss taking simple  chemistry
for biology they're just not  in
the same ballpark so
Francis Bacon so
here's the row again one of the  advantages of reading a lot is
hardly  any
of us certainly me all
my ideas are  derivative
just because I've read  thousands
of books I didn't have to  puzzle this out
because bacon wrote a  book called the
Novum organum in 1620  where
he said hey look  our brains are messed up we
have bad  brains he called the
ways of messing up  idols so
we have we get serious errors  because of our genetics
we get serious  errors because of the culture we're in  we
get serious errors because of the  languages we use they don't
represent  what's actually out there we get serious
  it errors from the way academia hangs on
to bad ideas and teaches them over again  these are his four
idols anybody ever  read bacon he
said we need something to
  get around our bad brains a set of
heuristics is the term we'd used today  and
he called for was what he  called for science because
that's what  Novum organum the rest of the title
was  a new way of
dealing with knowledge
and  science
is not the knowledge right  because
the knowledge is is in this  context
what science is is the  negotiation
between what's out there and  what we can represent
this is the big  idea this is the idea
in school this is the idea we should be  teaching it's
one of the biggest ideas  of all time it
isn't the knowledge it's  the relationship because what's
out  there is only knowable
by phenomena that  is being filtered in
every possible way  and we
don't know whether our brain is  even capable of representing
the stuff  and so to
think about science as the  truth is completely
wrong it's not the
  right way to look at it but if you think  about
is the negotiation between the  best
you can do right now and stuff  that's out there that where
completely sure you're in a very strong  position
science has been the most  powerful
thought system
human beings  have ever invented because
it gave up  the idea of truth and it
substituted for  a thousand variations
of false some of  which are incredibly
powerful  right this is the big
idea so we're  gonna think about computing
this is one  way and I've
Seymour Papert thought  about it in a different way but
this is  one way of thinking about
Wow computers  they are representatives
about representations  can simulate
ideas we get a very good  much better
sense of dealing
with  thinking about these complexities okay
maybe one I think we're
one last
part  of this pep talk and then I'll turn it  over to V
Shaw so let's go back to the  pink plane
here and
let's see we're at a  place
on the pink plane and we have a  goal so we're
we're at a we
only are  looking in that direction because that's
where we're going we see B we say let's  plot a course
to B but guess what
the  world is nonlinear so we're really in  that
because we didn't think about all  the dimensions okay
so we can explore we
  can tinker away around it that's better  if
that was good we can engineer a  superhighway and if
we're really  adventurous we can invent the airplane
  forget about land travel let's just fly  over
that mountain and here's the big  idea once we decide
to take off from  land travel
we not only are in
a  different world we're not we
discover  we're in a blue world and the blue world  has
a much better destination than than  B
so I've submit this as a metaphor that  can
be used in many different areas
like  simple one often
you have to go away  from your goal to get to you go
that is  a toughy remember we're
primates the way  they catch monkeys in Burma
everybody  know this Oh everybody
should know this  okay so
monkeys are primates like us and  what they do is they
they just fasten  jars and
they put a big nut
  the monkeys reach in to get that nut
  they can't get
there aren't handout okay
now  that monkey could
escape anytime by just  letting go of this nut but
hey don't let goes and nothing that  sound
like any human activity you've  ever heard they
can't let go than that  so
in the morning they just
come around  and so that I like monkey brains and  Burma
so they come around just collect  these monkeys
that could get away  anytime they wanted that
isn't us I  don't know what it is
  so being able to go away from
the goal  this is a heart like NSF
is completely  blown it in computing
because they've  given up on problem finding in
doing  stuff that really doesn't have a goal
in  the proposal for example goal
should be  to find the goal somebody needs
to pay  for that the
engineering as a refinement  of something
that's more like tinkling  or bricolage see more used to kala
then  this idea that hey maybe surface
travel  isn't the deal at all let's do
something  qualitatively different and start flying
  and once you've made that effort
to  qualitatively change
suddenly you have  the possibility of scaping from this  whole
context which was actually holding  you back ok
I'll leave you with that  thank you very much for listening