Squeak Etoys is a "media authoring tool"-- software that you can download to your computer
and then use to create your own media. You can write out your project and share it with others.
Etoys runs on any Mac or Windows machine, as well as on the OLPC XO machine.
It is free.
Find out about Etoys.
Text of this guide (for searching): Object Catalog: Digital Images in Etoys Projects. Open the Journal and copy a digital image to the clipboard.
The clipboard is on the left edge of the frame (XO only).
From the clipboard, drag the photo into your Etoys project where it becomes just another object with a halo of handles.
Open its Viewer to make a script. If the image is too big, use its yellow halo handle to make it smaller.
Or . . .
Click on its geometry category to change the scale factor.
Or . . .
Use the Grab Patch or Lasso Tool to copy the part you want to include in your project and discard the rest. Digital images use a lot of storage space on your computer.
A Grab Patch or Lasso copy in a project uses less space than the original image.
Sometimes tracing part of a photo with Paints from the Navigator Bar
is a way to include details you want.