["tilescript", ["html", "

Here is a formula of multiplication of complex number.


\n(a+bi)(c+di) = (ac-bd) + (bc+ad)i\n

\n"], ["html", "

Assume that arrays p, q represent complex numbers where


Let's define the multiplication operator as a function.\n

"], ["source", "mul = function(p, q) {\n return [p[0] * q[0] - p[1] * q[1],\n p[1] * q[0] + p[0] * q[1]]\n}"], ["html", "

Make sure how it works.

"], ["source", "mul([1, 0], [1, 0]) // 1 * 1"], ["source", "mul([0, 1], [0, 1]) // 1i * 1i"], ["source", "mul([1, 0], [0, 1]) // 1 * 1i"], ["html", "

A complex number can be shown as a point on the complex plane.

"], ["html", ""], ["html", "

(1 + 0.5i) * (0.5 + 0.5i) = ?

"], ["tile", "{P=[1,0.5];Q=[0.5,0.5];R=mul(P,Q)}"], ["source", "canvas = $(\"canvas\");\noriginX = canvas.width / 2;\noriginY = canvas.height / 2;\nctx = canvas.getContext('2d');\n\ndraw = function() {\n ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);\n ctx.beginPath();\n ctx.moveTo(0, originY);\n ctx.lineTo(canvas.width, originY);\n ctx.moveTo(originX, 0);\n ctx.lineTo(originX, canvas.height);\n ctx.stroke();\n\n drawPoint(P, \"rgb(200,0,0)\"); // P is RED\n drawPoint(Q, \"rgb(0,0,200)\"); // Q is BLUE\n drawPoint(R, \"rgb(200,200,0)\"); // R is YELLOW\n \n formula = P[0] + \"+\" + P[1] + \"i * \" +\n Q[0] + \"+\" + Q[1] + \"i = \" +\n R[0] + \"+\" + R[1] + \"i\";\n}\n\ndrawPoint = function(p, fillStyle) {\n ctx.fillStyle = fillStyle;\n var x = p[0] * canvas.width / 2 + originX;\n var y = -p[1] * canvas.height / 2 + originY;\n ctx.beginPath();\n ctx.arc(x,y,10,0,Math.PI*2,true);\n ctx.fill();\n}\n\ndraw();"], ["html", "

Add an event handler to play with complex numbers

"], ["source", "canvas.onmousemove = function (e) {\n var x = e.pageX - this.offsetLeft;\n var y = e.pageY - this.offsetTop;\n P[0] = (x - originX) / canvas.width *2;\n P[1] = -(y - originY) / canvas.height *2;\n R = mul(P, Q);\n draw();\n}\n"] ]