"This example shows how to use a text editor. It also demonstrates to interact between pepsi and jolt2 through global context. It binds variable named 'textView' on jolt2 world." { import: Frame } { import: TextController } { import: Develop } { include "SDL/SDL.h" } [ | fileName window textView | fileName := 'textWindow.st'. textView := TextView new. File open: fileName do: [ :file | textView textContents: file readStream contents]. textView buffer replaceFrom: 0 size: 0 with: 'To replace this text, try:\n\n', '[textView textContents: ''"hello world"]\n\n'. Shell new evalFile: 'demo/boot.k'. TheGlobalEnvironment defineVariable: #textView value_: textView. (Window new: 800,600) addFront: (FrameBox with: textView addScrollPane title: fileName); mainLoop. ]