;;; bunnu.k -- mock JS running directly on COLA objects ;;; Copyright (c) 2008 Ian Piumarta ;;; All rights reserved. ;;; ;;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a ;;; copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), ;;; to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation ;;; the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, and/or sell ;;; copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is ;;; furnished to do so, provided that the above copyright notice(s) and this ;;; permission notice appear in all copies of the Software and that both the ;;; above copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in supporting ;;; documentation. ;;; ;;; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS'. USE ENTIRELY AT YOUR OWN RISK. ;;; Last edited: 2008-04-10 12:20:00 by piumarta on emilia.local (printf "; defining semantics\n") (syntax bs-integer ; integer (lambda (node compiler) `',[node second])) (syntax bs-array ; values... (lambda (node compiler) `',[node second])) (syntax bs-name ; symbol (lambda (node compiler) [node second])) (syntax bs-string ; string (lambda (node compiler) `',[node second])) (syntax bs-char ; char (lambda (node compiler) `',[node second])) (syntax bs-import ; symbol (lambda (node compiler) `(define ,[node second] (import ,[[node second] asString])))) (syntax bs-define ; symbol value (lambda (node compiler) `(define ,[node second] ,[node third]))) (syntax bs-define-method ; type selector params body (lambda (node compiler) `(add-method ,[node second] ',[node third] (lambda (_closure _self self ,@[node fourth]) ,[node fifth])))) (syntax bs-lambda ; parameters body (lambda (node compiler) `(lambda ,[node second] ,[node third]))) (syntax bs-call ; function arguments (lambda (node compiler) `(,[node second] ,@[node third]))) (syntax bs-send ; receiver selector arguments (lambda (node compiler) `(send ',[node third] ,[node second] ,@[node fourth]))) (syntax bs-add (lambda (node compiler) `[,[node second] + ,[node third]])) (syntax bs-subtract (lambda (node compiler) `[,[node second] - ,[node third]])) (syntax bs-multiply (lambda (node compiler) `[,[node second] * ,[node third]])) (syntax bs-divide (lambda (node compiler) `[,[node second] / ,[node third]])) (syntax bs-modulus (lambda (node compiler) `[,[node second] \\ ,[node third]])) (syntax bs-less (lambda (node compiler) `[,[node second] < ,[node third]])) (syntax bs-lessEqual (lambda (node compiler) `[,[node second] <= ,[node third]])) (syntax bs-equal (lambda (node compiler) `[,[node second] = ,[node third]])) (syntax bs-notEqual (lambda (node compiler) `[,[node second] ~= ,[node third]])) (syntax bs-greaterEqual (lambda (node compiler) `[,[node second] >= ,[node third]])) (syntax bs-greater (lambda (node compiler) `[,[node second] > ,[node third]])) (syntax bs-and (lambda (node compiler) `(if ,[node second] ,[node third] false))) (syntax bs-or (lambda (node compiler) `(if ,[node second] true ,[node third]))) (syntax bs-assign ; symbol value (lambda (node compiler) `(define ,[node second] ,[node third]))) (syntax bs-while (lambda (node compiler) `(while ,[node second] ,[node third]))) (syntax bs-for (lambda (node compiler) `(let () ,[node second] (while ,[node third] ,[node fifth] ,[node fourth])))) (syntax bs-if (lambda (node compiler) `(if ,[node second] ,[node third] ,[node fourth]))) (syntax bs-type ; base fields (lambda (node compiler) (let ((base [node second]) (name [base asString]) (fields [node third])) `(let ((proto [(import ,name) _delegated])) ; this is the new type ;;[[proto _vtable] methodAt: '_sizeof put: (lambda (_closure _self self) ,[SmallInteger value_: protoSize]) with: 0] [[proto _vtable] methodAt: '_debugName put: (lambda (_closure _self self) ,name) with: 0] ;;(export ,[protoName asString] proto) ; export new type to Pepsi global namespace ;;,@(make-accessors baseSize slotNames) proto)))) (syntax bs-print (lambda (node compiler) (let ((arg [node second])) (if arg `[[,arg asString] put] '['"\t" put])))) (syntax bs-println (lambda (node compiler) (let ((arg [node second])) (if arg `[[,arg asString] putln] '['"\n" put])))) (printf "; defining syntax\n") (define Integer (import "Integer")) (define Float (import "Float")) ['{ error = <- [self error: '"bunnu syntax error"] eof = !. eol = '\r' '\n'* | '\n' '\r'* space = [ \t] | eol comment = '//' (!eol .)* eol _ = (space | comment)* alnum = [a-zA-Z_0-9] magnitude = ([0-9]+) $->0 !'.' _ <- [Integer fromString: [self @ '0]] | (([0-9]+) '.' ([0-9]+)) $->0 _ <- [Float fromString: [self @ '0]] number = '-' magnitude <- [result negated] | magnitude name = ([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*) $->0 _ <- [[self @ '0] asSymbol] // literals escapeChar = 'a' <- '7 | 'b' <- '8 | 'e' <- '27 | 'f' <- '12 | 'n' <- '10 | 'r' <- '13 | 't' <- '9 | 'v' <- '11 char = ( '\\' escapeChar ->0 | . ->0 ) <- [self @ '0] string = ( "'" ( !"'" char )* ->0 "'" | '"' ( !'"' char )* ->0 '"' ) <- [[self @ '0] asString] comma = ',' _ lbrack = '[' _ rbrack = ']' _ literals = number ->0 ( comma number )* ->1 <- [Array with: [self @ '0] withAll: [self @ '1]] | <- [Array new: '0] array = lbrack literals ->0 rbrack <- [self @ '0] parameters = name ->0 ( comma name )* ->1 <- [Array with: [self @ '0] withAll: [self @ '1]] | <- [Array new: '0] lparen = '(' _ rparen = ')' _ dollar = '$' _ function = 'function' !alnum _ funDefn = function lparen parameters ->0 rparen statement ->1 <- `(bs-lambda ,[self @ '0] ,[self @ '1]) semicolon = ';' _ lbrace = '{' _ rbrace = '}' _ fields = ( name ->1 semicolon <- [self @ '1] )* ->0 <- [self @ '0] type = 'type' !alnum _ typeDefn = type name ->0 lbrace fields ->1 rbrace <- `(bs-type ,[self @ '0] ,[self @ '1] "_object") ->0 ( plus name ->1 <- [[self @ '0] at: '3 put: [self @ '1]] )? <- [self @ '0] primary = ( funDefn | typeDefn | name <- `(bs-name ,result) | number <- `(bs-integer ,result) | array <- `(bs-array ,result) | string <- `(bs-string ,result) | dollar char <- `(bs-char ,result) | lparen expression ->0 rparen <- [self @ '0] ) dot = '.' _ arguments = expression ->0 ( comma expression )* ->1 <- [Array with: [self @ '0] withAll: [self @ '1]] | <- [Array new: '0] funCall = primary ->0 ( lparen arguments ->1 rparen <- `(bs-call ,[self @ '0] ,[self @ '1]) ->0 | dot name ->1 lparen arguments ->2 rparen <- `(bs-send ,[self @ '0] ,[self @ '1] ,[self @ '2]) ->0 )* <- [self @ '0] star = '*' _ slash = '/' !'/' _ percent = '%' _ product = funCall ->0 ( ( star funCall ->1 <- `(bs-multiply ,[self @ '0] ,[self @ '1]) ->0 ) | ( slash funCall ->1 <- `(bs-divide ,[self @ '0] ,[self @ '1]) ->0 ) | ( percent funCall ->1 <- `(bs-modulus ,[self @ '0] ,[self @ '1]) ->0 ) )* <- [self @ '0] plus = '+' _ minus = '-' _ sum = product ->0 ( ( plus product ->1 <- `(bs-add ,[self @ '0] ,[self @ '1]) ->0 ) | ( minus product ->1 <- `(bs-subtract ,[self @ '0] ,[self @ '1]) ->0 ) )* <- [self @ '0] less = '<' !'<' _ lessEqual = '<=' _ equal = '==' _ notEqual = '!=' _ greaterEqual = '>=' _ greater = '>' !'>' _ and = '&&' !'>' _ or = '||' !'>' _ relation = sum -> 0 ( ( less sum ->1 <- `(bs-less ,[self @ '0] ,[self @ '1]) ->0 ) | ( lessEqual sum ->1 <- `(bs-lessEqual ,[self @ '0] ,[self @ '1]) ->0 ) | ( equal sum ->1 <- `(bs-equal ,[self @ '0] ,[self @ '1]) ->0 ) | ( notEqual sum ->1 <- `(bs-notEqual ,[self @ '0] ,[self @ '1]) ->0 ) | ( greaterEqual sum ->1 <- `(bs-greaterEqual ,[self @ '0] ,[self @ '1]) ->0 ) | ( greater sum ->1 <- `(bs-greater ,[self @ '0] ,[self @ '1]) ->0 ) | ( and sum ->1 <- `(bs-and ,[self @ '0] ,[self @ '1]) ->0 ) | ( or sum ->1 <- `(bs-or ,[self @ '0] ,[self @ '1]) ->0 ) )* <- [self @ '0] assign = '=' !'=' _ cola = '#' _ expression = name ->0 assign relation ->1 <- `(bs-assign ,[self @ '0] ,[self @ '1]) | relation | cola COLA-expression var = 'var' !alnum _ varDecl = var name <- `(bs-define ,[result asSymbol] 0) ->0 ( assign expression ->1 <- [[self @ '0] at: '2 put: [self @ '1]] )? <- [self @ '0] | name ->0 dot name ->1 assign function lparen parameters ->2 rparen statement ->3 <- `(bs-define-method ,[self @ '0] ,[self @ '1] ,[self @ '2] ,[self @ '3]) while = 'while' !alnum _ whileStmt = while lparen expression ->0 rparen statement ->1 <- `(bs-while ,[self @ '0] ,[self @ '1]) for = 'for' !alnum _ forStmt = for lparen statement ->0 statement ->1 expression ->2 rparen statement ->3 <- `(bs-for ,[self @ '0] ,[self @ '1] ,[self @ '2] ,[self @ '3]) if = 'if' !alnum _ else = 'else' !alnum _ ifStmt = if lparen expression ->0 rparen statement ->1 <- `(bs-if ,[self @ '0] ,[self @ '1] 0) ->0 ( else statement ->1 <- [[self @ '0] at: '3 put: [self @ '1]] )? <- [self @ '0] print = 'print' !alnum _ println = 'println' !alnum _ printStmt = ( print <- `(bs-print 0) ->0 | println <- `(bs-println 0) ->0 ) ( expression ->1 <- [[self @ '0] at: '1 put: [self @ '1]] )? <- [self @ '0] compoundStmt = lbrace topStmt* -> 0 rbrace <- `(let () ,@[self @ '0]) statement = printStmt semicolon | whileStmt | forStmt | ifStmt | compoundStmt | expression semicolon import = 'import' !alnum _ importDecl = import name <- `(bs-import ,result) funDecl = function name->0 lparen parameters ->1 rparen statement ->2 <- `(bs-define ,[self @ '0] (bs-lambda ,[self @ '1] ,[self @ '2])) topStmt = ( varDecl semicolon ->0 | importDecl semicolon ->0 | funDecl ->0 | statement ->0 ) <- [self @ '0] program = _ ( topStmt <- (let () ;[result println] (let ((value [result eval])) ;(printf " => ") [value println] value)) | !eof error )* <- '0 } name: 'bunnu]