= To do todo: Log output windows doesn't scroll to bottom. todo: Do it button doesn't show errors. todo: more pictures for Alan's example todo: mouse cursor on the link is still I beam now. todo: home button todo: Proper layout (fixed size at first, toolbar should be taken out to keep one line in todo done: image uploader todo done:
todo done: logger
todo done: The title bar should be changed as document's title.

= About icon

Button icons are stored one file named icons.png. Each size of a
picture is 18 x 18, position is (0, 18 n), and then whole size is 18 x
36 n. Position is specifies with background-position: directive in
css. icons.png is also a Fireworks file.

= references

- http://allmybrain.com/2007/10/16/an-image-upload-extension-for-yui-rich-text-editor/
- http://allmybrain.com/2008/02/25/image-upload-with-yui-editor-250/
- http://blog.enjoitech.jp/detail.php?aid=149

- http://d.hatena.ne.jp/shinichitomita/20061011/1160599354

frame in css
- http://www.dynamicdrive.com/style/layouts/category/C11/P0/
- http://www.webreference.com/programming/css_frames/

= random note

document.designMode = "on"