Tilescript Manual This document is described for http://tinlizzie.org/svn/trunk/jstile/ revision 309. * Summary Tilescript is a programming environment for educational purpose which has good features in both graphical and textual languages. * How to use - Only Firefox3 and Safari are supported. - To use on a local machine. -- Download or check out with subversion client at http://tinlizzie.org/svn/trunk/jstile/. - To use the live environment for evaluation. -- Visit http://tinlizzie.org/jstile/ * Terminology - Document : Tilescript shows a document each time. A document has the title. - Paragraph : A document consists paragraphs. A paragraph has a "mode". -- source : A source code of Javascript or HTML which is shown on a textarea. -- tile : A program represented as a tile. -- html : A html element. -- result : The result of a program which is shown on a textarea. - Javascript namaspace : All programs share same namespace. In other word, variables defined in a program can be seen all other documents in a session. If you want to clear the namespace, reload Tilescript with the browser button. - Viewer and Watcher : The Viewer is a rectangle area of right hand side on the screen. The viewer includes watchers. watchers show all global variable names and values in the session. -- Global variables are elements in the window object. -- Variables which are used in Tilescript are not shown in watchers. A variable which is defined by a user is not shown either if its name has been already used by Tilescript. * Operation ** Buttons on above screen - Viewer button (eye icon) : toggles show/hide of the Viewer. - Home button (house icon) : goes to the home page. - Save button (disk icon) : saves the document. ** Making a new paragraph A new paragraph is made if you click a gap between paragraphs, or drop a tile into the gap. ** Functions of a paragraph - Execute button (Exclamation icon) : executes a program described in the paragraph. -- The result is shown in a new paragraph made under the paragraph. Object.inspect() in prototype.js is used to show the result. - Remove button (X icon) : removes the paragraph. - checkbox : toggles the "mode" of source, tile, source code. -- on : the source code is shown. -- off when the top character is < : HTML element is shown. -- off when the top character is not < : a tile is shown. * Transcript You can toggle show / hide of the Transcript with a tab shown on the screen. Transcript shows the result of a program, a syntax tree, or anything. * Document A Tilescript document has a title. You can use alpha-numeric characters as a title. A title is used as a URL. A URL is configured as this form. {base url}#{title}#{paragraph number} For example, A document titled "Fibonacci" on the evaluation environment would be http://tinlizzie.org/jstile/#Fibonacci. You can also designate the paragraph number like http://tinlizzie.org/jstile/#Fibonacci#3 To make a new document is the same way as Wiki. Just to access uncreated URL. For example, if http://tinlizzie.org/jstile/#NewPage is not exists, and you visit the page, and save it, and then a new document named NewPage will be created. To represent the title of a document as a hash element in URL is useful especially for Firefox. Browser doesn't reload a Javascript program even if you change the hash element because hash is usually used to designate a reference in a same document. Besides, the hash is handled by history function in the browser properly, You would feel a Tilescript document just as a normal html. Tilescript periodically checks the hash and show designated document. You can proceed next paragraph in a document with space bar, which is useful feature for a presentation. If you modify a document. The title bar shows a warning as "* modified *" to denote the fact that the document is modified. * File Format of Tilescript This is an example of Tilescript file format. The format is JSON expression. ["tilescript", ["source", "3 + 4"], ["tile", "(3+4)"], ["html", "

3 + 4

"] ] The first element should be "tilescript". aftetwards, [tag, source code] array are saved. "tag" is one of source, tile, html, result, which shows the type of paragraph. * Macro You can define a macro for making a new control structure. A definition of macro looks like a function definition. Keyword "macro" is used instead of "function", @ mark is prefixed to show it is an identifier of macro. This is an example. macro @repeat(k, s) { var n = k; while (n-- > 0) {s} } It is an example of using macro. @repeat(4, ++x) * Organization Tilescript environment consists those files. - index.html : is the entry point. - tilescript.css : controls look. - js files - data directory : includes document data. You need Firefox2 to try this environment. It works both on the internet or local environment. WebDAV is used as the storage when it is working on the internet. Mozilla API is used to save a document in a local environment. Because Tilescript directly talks WebDAV protocol, any other server process like CGI is not used. If you use in local, you see a special dialog to confirm local file access. * Libraries used by the system - OMeta - prototype.js - scriptaculous 1.8.1 * Motivation ** Motivatino of the language The goal of Tilescript is to make a new programming language which is easy enough for beginner but supports wide range of application. The idea came from Squeak eToys. EToys is a great programming language for kids. And you can extend the feature with Smalltalk language. However, there are large gaps between etoys (tile language) and Smalltalk (text language). - Gap #1 : EToys can be converted to Smalltalk, but Smalltalk can not be converted to eToys. - Gap #2 : EToys is an instance base language, but Smalltalk is a class base language. To fill these gaps, those ways are chosen. - Implementation of converter between tile language and text language both ways. - Using instance based (prototype based) language Javascript as the basis. Besides, macro is implemented to expand the language itself by a user. ** Motivation of the environment Tilescript development environment is implemented to support to write Active Essays by end-users. There is a related work SophieScript. Active Essays are mixed media of essay and program. Reader tries a computer simulation while reading an essay, which is suitable to learn scientific topic like mathematic and physics. For example, there is a typical example "The Evolution Essay" by Ted Kaehler to learn evolution with variation, selection and randomness. Tilescript emphasis writing Active Essays by end-user, not only reading them. Because "Learing by Explaining" is a good way as a curriculum of edication with computer. To write a good active essay, the best way is to read a source code written by other authers. However, it is difficult in current etoys. Because the screen layout of etoys is heavily depend on the screen size, so it is hard to see source codes and the document same time. To solve the issue, flow layout is better because the layout is dynamically changed by the screen size. To implement flow layout easyly, Tilescrip simply uses HTML DOM. * Examples ** Fahrenheit Centigrade converter http://tinlizzie.org/jstile/#FCConverter This is an example of using variables. First, variables C and F are defined. And then, their watchers are gotten from the Viewer. If you invoke javascript program which convert Fahrenheit and Centigrade, you can convert among them. For example, to get 10 degree in centigrade, you might set 10 as a C, and then invoke F = C * 1.8 * 32, finally, you can get Fahrenheit number of the 10 centigrade. And an example of a simple converter with watchers is provided. ** Pseudo random number http://tinlizzie.org/jstile/#Random A linear congruential generator is introduced as an algorithm of pseudo random number. Constants A, B, M are defined, X's initial value is defined to zero. And when you invoke X = ( (A * X) + B) % M a couple of times, pseudo random numbers are shown. Besides, if you store the sequence into an array, you can esasily see how these numbers circulate. You can also plot the random number sequence as a graph on Canvas. It is good way to understand the behavior of random number depend on constatns. In this case, a combination of constants introduced in Numerical Recipes in C is tested. ** Multiplication of complex number http://tinlizzie.org/jstile/#ComplexNumber This is an example of calculate multiplication of complex number. At first, a complex number is represented as an array of javascript. For example, 1 + 2i is shown as [1, 2]. With this expression, multiplication is defined as function mul, and we try simple cases like 1 * 1, and i * i. For more complicated example, a point is plotted in the complex plain to know the behavior of complex numbers. And using javascript event to implement a dynamic simulation, you can get an intuition of how complex number is related with geometry scale and rotation. * History The basic concept of Tilescript is discussed in Apple Hill Lerning Camp at 2007 summer by A Warth, T. Yamamiya, Y. Ohshima, S. Wallace. It had been developed on Squeak Javascript and Morphic for a while though, it was switched on simple browser DOM because we had succeeded to implement OMeta/JS and tile expression in 2007 December. All browser among IE, Firefox, Opera, and Safari had been supported at first though, now only Firefox2 is supported temporality. * Bugs Because the primary goal of Tilescript was the presentation of C5 conference, there are a lot of bugs for real situation. - You can not make a tile program from the beginning because there are no parts bin yet. - Drag Drop is hard to use because there are no syntax nor type checking. - Any security concerns are ignored. ** References - A. Warth, T. Yamamiya, Y. Ohshima, S. Wallace: Toward A More Scalable End-User Scripting Language. Proceedings of the Sixth Intenational Conference on Creating, Connecting and Collaborating through Computing. - prototype.js http://prototypejs.org/ - scriptaculous http://script.aculo.us/ - Lively Kernel http://research.sun.com/projects/lively/ - OMeta http://www.cs.ucla.edu/~awarth/ometa/ - A. Kay: Active Essays. http://www.squeakland.org/whatis/a_essays.html - T. Kaehler: The Evolution Essay. http://www.squeakland.org/projects/Weasel%20Essay1.023.pr - J. Licke, R. Hirscfeld, M. Ruger, M. Masuch: SophieScript - Active Content in Multimedia Documents. Proceedings of the Sixth Intenational Conference on Creating, Connecting and Collaborating through Computing.