-*- outline -*- document.location.href.replace(/#.*$/, "") http://www.ilikespam.com/blog/using-base-href-with-anchors http://sonzea.com/articles/subversion-trac.html todo: switch view when saving todo: test for wiki.js todo: context free graphics todo: world todo: cleanup namespace todo: plugin web browser using iframe todo: Standardize HTML: flatten list ??? todo: Standardize HTML expression todo: test on IE todo: join icon images todo: Check easyML to know how to avoid user registration. todo: better new line handling in Safari todo: tutoring todo: history todo: Nine Dots Puzzle with graphic demo todo: include (js) todo: Worlds demo todo: wiki todo: test contentEditable todo: make a simple page to test designMode on IE todo: editor.html for other language (there is no way to xxx of xxx.html#goal) todo: image upload todo: How to deal with link ./#page or ./page? todo: Use CGI to support /name instead of #name for good SEO. todo: json or toSource todo: wiki notation todo: watcher todo: make a new text node instead of insert a string. todo done: Project list todo done: switch screen of javascript source todo done: subversion todo done: OMeta error handling todo done: use => as printIt result todo done: enter key todo done: javascript source to source todo done: html to javascript source todo done: ometa todo done: toggle source UI todo done: more PEG like parser todo done: data conversion and save js soruce. todo done: // comment in Javascript source (use /// ?) todo done: support JS file for dotsPuzzle todo done: support JS file for dotsPuzzle: emphasis like todo done: support JS file for dotsPuzzle: two continuous PR should be joined. todo done: support JS file for dotsPuzzle:
todo done: IMG tag can't have relative path. todo done: unit test todo done: Standardize HTML: flatten paragraphs todo done: Standardize HTML; Special case of IMG todo done: Standardize HTML; Special case of anchor tag todo done: conflict definition of canvas in Turtle and Scribble todo done: toggle link http://www.nihilogic.dk/labs/lhc_simulation/ Bitmap graphics demo. http://bytes.com/forum/thread151964.html this.getBoundingClientRect() iframe height=100% http://brondsema.net/blog/index.php/2007/06/06/100_height_iframe Rich Text Editing http://www.mozilla.org/editor/midas-spec.html http://www.mozilla.org/editor/ie2midas.html Difference between IE & Mozilla http://www.fourmeisters.com/blog/yoshi/2007/09/wysiwyg.html http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa753630(VS.85).aspx http://www.microsoft.com/japan/msdn/web/html/mshtml/createwp.aspx * Better new handling in Safari When you press an enter key in
, new 
 node is made.

* document.body.innerHTML

* scroll $("#editor")[0].contentWindow.scroll(0, 100000)

firefox range: 
is omited firefox selection: \n is omited safari range:
is omited safari selection: O.K. range.endContainer is always end of the selection * JQuery download API document svn co http://jqueryjs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk jquery file:///Users/takashi/Downloads/jquery/tools/api-browser/index.html ~/Downloads/jquery-nightly/test/ * reference - how to make html height 100% http://www.mozilla.gr.jp/standards/webtips/webtips0032.html - designMode http://devedge-temp.mozilla.org/viewsource/2003/midas/01/index_en.html - dom http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/guide/plugin/dom/org/w3c/dom/ranges/Range.html#setStart - json http://www.json.org/json2.js - ometa file:///Users/takashi/src/ometa-js/index.html