"This example presents primitive introspection and code browsing functions. To try the demo, set the cursor to a line of the workspace and press command + d. You can execute any jolt2 expression including send syntax [receiver message: argument] in the workspace." { import: TextController } { import: Develop } { include "SDL/SDL.h" } [ | window frame | window := Window new: 800, 600. window background: (Color withR: 224 withG: 240 withB: 240). "Load send systax and import all types into jolt2 namespace." Shell new evalFile: 'demo/boot.k'. Object allTypes do: [ :each | TheGlobalEnvironment defineVariable: each debugName asSymbol value_: each]. frame := window openWorkspace. File open: 'toolsworkspace.txt' do: [ :file | frame content content textContents: file readStream contents]. window mainLoop. ]